Do I did right?

Muskan Shakya

New Member
Apr 19, 2006
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I am looking a girl and she is also interested on me:cheer: . She often gives me signal that she likes me from her eye contact and talk. I like her too much and want to propose her. But the main problem arrived :cuss: when I found that one of my friend also likes her very much but afraid to approach and propose her. My friend is also a close friend of her.So, I told that I will help you and make a appointment for you to propose her:woo: but I told him that you should propose her else I will do. I boost his confidence and give advice a lot.I fixed the appointment and told the girl that my friend want to talk with you and I went out of their privacy. Later, my friend told me that she laughed :yes: at him when he proposed her and told that I only see you as my brother. Later, before the conversation end the girl told that I will give you the answer after someday:rockon: . The girl also told that whether or not I know he is going to propose her? He told I do not know?

Guys, did I did the mistake or did right as my friend is very crazy about the girl. I even told my friend that if this is not gonna work then I will propose? But, now I think I did the mistake as I lost her. I am in very bad mood now:( .Guys, tell me what should I do. I sacrifize my love for my friendship but result is still not out. Did I did right? If the girl did not accept my friends proposal then should I move forward and do the propose and how? What is the best process to propose her and know her feelings deeply? I know she will not reject my proposal as I know she likes me too. After this incident hapened, she is ignoring me because she might be upset from me and didn't expect this from me. Will the girl accept his propose?:down: What should I do next?


New Member
Apr 24, 2006
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I did not think you took the right step. First you should approach her and know her feelings about you. If you like her very much than this is your wrong step. She might be interested on both of you and might accept your friends propose and nothing will be in your hand expect regret and admiration. But, one thing is clear that she is also interested on your friend. If she accepted your friends propose then bad luck for you, otherwise do not do this next time. If your friend do not have the gut to propose then why should you help him if you are also looking her. Bad step.
Anyway, if she accepted his proposal then nothing you can do, just count your mistake and regret. But if she reject his proposal then you have the chance. Do not be late to tell her how you feel about her. You have already made a mistake but do not repeat the same next time. First, give her signal that you are looking her and propose her in appropriate time. Now you can only wait for your chance and see.


New Member
Apr 24, 2006
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Though u sacrfize your luv for ur friend u missed ur chance. This might make ur friendship with the boy good but the gal might think this in a wrong way. I think u should do the proposr first. One needs a great gut to sacrifise luv for friendship but u forget that the gal is also ur good friend and she might be interested on you. If the gal is more interested on you or other, then she will reject your friend proposal otherwise...............Then, do not be late to make the gal feel that how u feel abt her. Good luck for that.


Don Juan
Sep 16, 2005
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Washington, DC
Your friend will get over it. Go for the girl.