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  1. M

    Daytime approach guidelines?

    More like people in bookstores, shopping malls, coffee shops, etc. Not the actual street.
  2. M

    Daytime approach guidelines?

    I'm going to start doing daytime approaches. I was wondering if theres any guidelines the more experienced guys could give me.
  3. M

    We're all fake people

    Not necessarily. Just because you have a woman in your life, it doesn't mean you'll quit being a man. If you're faking everything, the curtain will be pulled back, but if you're truly integrated the natural behaviour of being a confident man, there' no curtain to pull. This post by desdinova...
  4. M

    Crossed Arms Good???? WTF

    Not when you get it from a 'friend'
  5. M

    Crossed Arms Good???? WTF

    I recently ran across this in the Seduction Method by Carlos Xuma INTERESTED PROBABLY Crosses arms NOT INTERESTED Arms are open, uncrossed WTF I thought closed arms were a bad sign. Some1 help me out.
  6. M

    Viagra, have you tried it for fun?

    Go to Anabolic Review Forum by searching for it on yahoo. They'll direct you to Lion Nutrition which has it in liquid form. You could also go to a doctor and say your having problems and ask for a sample. Don't worry about the fact that people on Anabolic Review mainly talk about steroids...
  7. M

    Best Seduction E-Book? and opinions on David DeAngelo

    What if being funny is your best attribute as far as your personality is concerned? Would the ****y & funny system become an asset as far as developing an approach because personally for me, as someone who relies on being funny, it seems like a good fit. btw thanks for the responses guys...
  8. M

    Best Seduction E-Book? and opinions on David DeAngelo

    A friend of mine just gave me a copy of DeAngelo's 'Double Your Dating' beginner course or whatever. Anyway I was just wondering what you guys thought of DeAngelo and what he teaches. Also I'd like to know any dating e-books you guys might recomend.