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  1. Z

    Summer Approach Journal

    Journal is closed Though I doubt this journal is getting anymore viewers I am officially closing it down. For a host of reasons I gave up on my goal of making 40 approaches after making the first ten. Over the last week I have been working through Archer Sloan's 'Demonic Confidence'. The...
  2. Z

    Guilt for hurting women. Where does this come from?

    I think the guilt comes from (i) social conditioning about how relationships are supposed to be and (ii) the simple fact that you are a human being who has the capacity to empathize with others. It is an issue I have dealt with many times in the past. The lesson I'vc learnt is it is important...
  3. Z

    How do you find a Wife or LTR?

    Self-mastery, I appreciate where you are coming from in terms of wanting your family to approve of your partner. I come from a very tight-knit family and while they would accept anyone I brought home they would much prefer I marry someone with the same ethnic and religious background. I...
  4. Z

    Summer Approach Journal

    Day 11 Another library approach. Had a bad case of nervousness before the approach as I overheard the girl talking and assumed she would have attitude. Though she said she wasn't single she said it with a smile. Afterwards I felt like an idiot for getting so nervous. It also led me to...
  5. Z

    Summer Approach Journal

    Day 10 Last few days I was feeling out of sorts so no approaches. Today I was reflecting on how little I've done over the last few days, and a number of opportunities I choked on earlier today, when I came upon an Asian girl waiting at a stop light. I approached within 5 secs (a first for...
  6. Z

    Summer Approach Journal

    Day 8 Thanks for the words of encouragement, (.)(.). I've been out of commission this weekend as Saturday night I went out and got so inebriated that only this morning did I feel like I've returned to a state of normalcy. I made an approach on Saturday night but I am not counting it as I...
  7. Z

    Are women just being nice ?

    "unfortunately I'm playing the stoic game and keeping her interested and wanting more, which I hate but Ive learned that you gotta play the BS games for a bit to get what you want" Imagine if you were honestly committed to being with this girl yet you were also genuinely detached from the...
  8. Z

    Are women just being nice ?

    book recommendation D&B, based on your intial post I recommend you read Intimate Connections by David Burns. Ignore the cheesy title and pick it up because I think it will clearly address the concerns you raised. Also based on your comment about having decided on which of the HB10's...
  9. Z

    Gimme advice to help out my man please!

    Natch's suggestion is definitely one way to approach the matter. I had an ex who was more experienced than me who would encourage me to take charge but it never worked because I was missing a very fundamental mindset to be that sort of guy. In hindsight, I regret not having been better able to...
  10. Z

    Summer Approach Journal

    Day 5 (cont.) I made it out the club tonight as planned. I struck up conversations with 4 different women. From among those conversations I requested and received one number. Given that for one of the approaches I had no intention of number closing, even if the opportunity arose, I am only...
  11. Z

    Summer Approach Journal

    Forgot to note on the last post... Approaches Made: 5 Approaches To Go: 35
  12. Z

    Summer Approach Journal

    Day 5 I hit the mall today because I actually had some shopping to do and also to try and make some more approaches. I choked with the first decent girl I saw. An interesting side note is that unless a girl a 7.5 or higher I don't usually find the motivation to approach. I didn't see a...
  13. Z

    Summer Approach Journal

    Day 4 Today was a bad day for approaches. I was in class from 1 till 7 and had plans in the evening. I am kicking myself for not approaching this one girl at the end of the night before leaving the sheesha bar I was at. I plan to compensate for the lack of approaches tomorrow. Approaches...
  14. Z

    Have any of you ever started an LTR with a Cold Approach?

    online dating I have just started an approach journal so it is too early for me to say whether an LTR could come from a cold approach. I would be surprised if after approaching a large number of women not a single LTR came out of it. I've read about two respected PUAs who met their wives at a...
  15. Z

    FR: I choked today

    inner game and outer goals rocky, I fully agree with everyone that inner game is something worth developing. I find there is a paucity of advice on specifically how to go about changing one's inner game though. It is great to decide to be confident but the decision to be so hardly makes...
  16. Z

    FR: I choked today

    ups and downs rocky, thanks for the advice on my approach journal regarding simple small talk. I'll let the idea percolate and see if I can start working it into my approaches. As for your dilemma, I've definitely choked more times than I would like to remember. The one thing that has...
  17. Z

    Summer Approach Journal

    Day 3 Hey guys, thanks for the words of support. Cordoncordon, you raise a good point. I am already becoming aware of how awkward it is for some girls when I just come out and ask if they're single. I'll discuss this in more length after my report. Today was a crappy day for me as I...
  18. Z

    for you hardcore AFC's... change may be gradual!

    conrete suggestions? I've read in many places about the importance of making the woman feel good or even just making her emotional in general. Anybody have concrete examples of what that means exactly? Even better than one-off examples would be an overall strategy for making a woman get...
  19. Z

    Summer Approach Journal

    Day 2... Thanks for the vote of support Grinder. Amoka, I didn't understand your post. I assume you were referring to the email I got. If that's the case you should rate is a half a success bringing my rate to roughly 15%. I went to the library as planned but unfortunately I didn't make...
  20. Z

    Summer Approach Journal

    Day 2 The day isn't done yet but I managed to get in two approaches. I'll be heading out the library so with any luck I might get in one more today. The first approach was at lunch. I went to an Asian joint which is a regular haunt of mine. When I came in I noticed a girl with two guys...