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  1. H

    Yo Can Someone Post The Video Of Cortez From Badboylife Walking Look An Alpha Male

    Well, he may know his ****, but he has the appearance of a douchebag. Seriously though, he might get with tons of women, but he doesn't look like he's got any depth to him at all. Great for sex, but the second romance hits I bet his "alpha male" style disappears, just like himself.
  2. H

    hairy ass

    Wow. Just wow. Now for some constructive advice - If you're ass is hairy then shave it and don't look back. Women can't stand the hairy look - at least not like back in the day. That goes for everything. And for the front, you're on your own.
  3. H


    is this the first time this a**hole approached you like this? and beating the sh!t out of the guy is definately not an option - expulsion from school, and like ethno said "1 on 5 is pwnage". you don't want to let them have an excuse to beat your a**. seriously though, just call him a fag and...
  4. H

    I am empty (help me get a hobby)

    You don't need a wing - in fact, I find people that are wings usually hold you back. As for the mall, you should go out to "pick up girls" wherever you feel the most comfortable. If that place is the mall, then by all means. Besides, having a wingman usually screams "desperation" to women - a...
  5. H

    Boot Camp Journal

    BUMP I think it is important for people to read a success story to be motivated themselves to make improvements. Nothing leads to success like success right?
  6. H

    New laws in the UK

    Well, contracts would guarantee that she couldn't press charges... and it is still legally binding even if she is drunk or whatnot. I think I have seen a skit by dave chappelle called "the love contract".
  7. H

    People think I'm slow.

    well, one solution to your problem is go to a public library and rent some videos on proper speech - might be titled speech therapy. You could possibly download something like that off of the internet. or use your "situation" with your voice to your advantage - become more observant than...
  8. H


    Do you really want to get in too deep with a girl who cheats? That's basically the only question that needs answered. Enjoy the "hassle-free" attention but don't get your hopes up. Girls age, they don't change.
  9. H

    Is interest level a benign or cancerous tumor?

    Interest level changes. It can grow or shrink depending on how you advance. Interest level is simply used to remind you that sometimes you can exhaust yourself on a girl that in the end would not be worth your time because she could care less. It is simply used in the forums to keep guys from...