Search results

  1. S

    Porn addiction

    I watch 2-3 porn movies everyday. Even if I do my homework I turn some porn video on just for fun. Does anybody here have the same problem? Or does anybody know how to quit?
  2. S

    How do you kiss?

    lips against hers? OR should I suck at one of her lips? etc.etc.etc
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    How do you kiss?

    Hi, I´m 20 years old, and I still havent kissed a girl yes. I just wonder if you could learn me how to kiss on this forum? I´ve rejected several girls in the past year just because I dont know how to kiss :(
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    Shakuhachi´s improvement plan

    So far I`ve taught a few tunes on the piano. I stopped drawing for no reason, and I`m injured so I`ve paused my skating training. The plans for the coming week will be: 1:Start drawing again 2:Learn all of the song "how deep is your love" and continue learning to play Imagine. 3...
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    Your girlfriend is nice. Didnt like the layout though, it looks like something you could find at or another emo-site.
  6. S

    Does anybody here play guitar?

    Hi! I appreciate your helpfull answer! Thanks :) I`m 20 years now. I don`t have any experience with musical instruments. But I`m trying to learn playing the guitar, not as much because I want to impress people but because I love music, especially rock and blues. But do you think I...
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    Does anybody here play guitar?

    Does anybody here know how to play the guitar? I, yes. How did you learn to play it. And how long took it before you could play your first song? I`ve just started playing the guitar and I need some comparison.
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    Day Trading?

    Centauron, om du ønsker kan jeg hjelpe deg med litt kunnskaper i aksjemarkedet. Jeg daytrader ikke, men handler og sitter ove rlengre tid. Føler det er mer fornuftig. Men om du ønsker å daytrade kan jeg lære deg litt om aksjemarkedet.
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    Women won`t bring you happiness

    Yeah, you`re right SamMalone. Thats probably way he tried to commit suicide too....because he was happy...
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    Women won`t bring you happiness

    I`ve just started reading Strauss` "The Game" and there was a sentence in the book that caught my attention: "That night, I called Mystery in Toronto, where he was living with his parents, his two nieces, his sister, and her husband." Mystery, the king of sarging is actually living with his...
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    Shakuhachi´s improvement plan

    1. General Goals I want to be proud of myself. 2. SMART GOALS Specific: Get a High School Diploma, a job, and a social life. 3. Daily Tasks 1:Wake up as early as possible to study for my exams, of course after a healthy breakfast. 2:Play the guitar / paint 3:Work out...
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    Shakuhachi´s improvement plan

    Visited an old friend. Had a good time. Played the guitar. Worked Out. Stil a lot of progress to do. I need a job, and a group of people I can socialize with.
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    Shakuhachi´s improvement plan

    Did not do much studyibg today. Spent most of the day playing football and looking for jobs on the internet. Im going to visit the library tomorrow, paint a little and try cultivate myself.
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    Advice for a starter

    Just leave her, she said she didn`t want you to make any moves on her. It couldn`t be any clearer.
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    Physically became paralyzed

    I`ll guess you were afraid of rejection. Next time you meet her, just do it. Don`t think about - just do it.
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    Shakuhachi´s improvement plan

    For the last 4 years I`ve pretty much been a pariah. As of today I will try to change that. 5 years ago I had a part-time job, a lot of friends, and I was among the top 3-4 students in my class. But mye Obsessive Compulsive Disorder which lasted for over 2 years cost me both of my jobs, my...