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  1. D

    ****, is she pregnant?

    i had sex with my gf just today i got too carried away and i wasnt wearing any condoms, i could feel the pleasure building up and it was about to ***, i held it inside but i could feel something was still coming out of my **** inside of her afterwards i had a sharp sense of pain in my...
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    she will only let me kiss her

    thanks for clicking this thread fellow djs, and to conserve all of your precious time i will make this as short and simple as i can: i met Daniella a few months ago. shes 17 and im her age. I am her 4th bf but i am her first kiss, and we got to second base a week ago. And from her feedback...
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    Can someone please interpret this ******** for me?

    This makes a lot of sense karmasutra, i never really realized this before, thanks for the enlightening. So what should the main course be? Confidence? My true personalities?
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    Can someone please interpret this ******** for me?

    Post Update: So originally she said: Sometimes, i wish you'd take things a little more seriously and stop teasing me, makes things rather shallow my reply to her was: Baby, this is who i am, you either love me or hate me. Well, if you want our relationship to be deeper, what do you think...
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    Can someone please interpret this ******** for me?

    i think you are right, she's been telling me how in our convo we are mostly talking about her and she feels like she doesnt know much about me
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    Can someone please interpret this ******** for me?

    I have been neg-hitting and teasing this girl like mad, she's enjoying it and we are both having fun, probably because she's one of those types that guys put her on a pesdestal and she was just never been teased much but then she told me: sometimes, i wished youd take things a little more...
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    She thinks Guliani is still mayor!

    DJinTrainning believe it or not that kinda chick you are having is quite common personallly i know this girl who aces everything in school and her IQ is probably between 130-140, coz that's where mine is and i feel like she is my intelligence equivalent, but she doesnt know where and what...
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    Is this actually possible?

    Is it actually possible for a 17 yrs old girl to have never masturbated, ever?
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    Is this girl too good to be true? you be the judge

    Hey fella djs, i met this girl two months ago, and she just blew my mind of what i should expect from women in the future She's the type of girls you can't help but glance at or even stare at when she walks passed you on the streets, and i knew that from first person experience when i hung...
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    all i have is her number, in need for suggestions

    hey guys i got this girl's number who i used to go to the same school with i was interested in her back then and i overheard that she was interested in me as well, so i asked around and got her name, but just when i was about to make a move i changed school and we never saw eachother again...
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    Your best friend tells you to lay off and let him have a girl, what do you do?

    personally i would choose friendship over chicks any day, if i knew he wanted that chick, i would never go for her but friendship is mutual, so if i am willing to treat him that way, i would expect him to do the same thing for me if he knows i am into this girl
  12. D

    god, 6 straight hours with msn in the morning, did i screw up?

    thanks a lot for your responces guys :) so far i can analyse this situation with pros and cons: pros + i tease and neg hit her a lot, she seems to like it + i made it clear to her that i will not try to impress her + she knows that i have high standard, and sometimes i believe she...
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    Millionaire girl

    im not sure about that lol but i did date a rich chick for a short while whose dad works for the government and is a property business tycoon i went ice skating dinner bowling and all that and i dont even have to pay a cent!! i told her i had no money left and she didn't mind paying for...
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    god, 6 straight hours with msn in the morning, did i screw up?

    yea, i feel so ashamed of myeslf for making this mistake, i have been in this dj game for almost a year now, i have learnt and changed so much over the year and i am getting a lot more success with girls than i was when i first came here, thx, and everyone here :) two weeks ago or...
  15. D

    How do you arouse her?

    I have a new gf who is a virgin she's 1 of those goodie goodie chicks who never does anything bad problem is no matter what i do, french kiss, making out, i cant get her to be excited about sex is there any technique that i can sexually arouse her? ex. the way you touch her breasts, the...
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    uh oh, i lost a hb's number

    i met this hb this night in a club and got her number, i only wrote it on a paper but then i lost it i know im gonna see her again tonight, how do i ask for her number again without making myself look like a fool? and what do i reply when she asks me why didn't i call her?
  17. D

    i have a baby face

    all the girls that met me told me that i have a baby face and i never look my age, im 17 but people would only belive it when i tell them im 14-15 just wondering should i consider having a baby face an advantage or disadvantage?
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    a simple situation, can anyone help?

    well, first i am not extremely attracted to any of them second, all three of them are very good friends, so i doubt if i can date anyone of them without the remaining two knowing about it and third, i think their interest in me is definitely dropping fast, because of the fact i never...
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    a simple situation, can anyone help?

    i just wanna ask how do you deal with 3 girls in class that fancy you at the same time? all 3 of them are very good friends the problem is that i do not wanna be seem like a jerk and flat out reject all of them, but i dont have much interest in any of them now as well my plan is to keep...
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    Proven AIM convo formula to pull #'s from myspace girls

    not to brag but online hook up is EXTREMELY easy if you can do it in real life, it's the same typing in on a keyboard behind a monitor, the easy part comes from the fact that you can basically speak with canned lines, you dont get the nervous factor, and you have all the time in your...