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    my gf is going on date with other dude/

    yea dude wtf you talking about. ive read this site. shes my damn gf not some girl i drool over. ive had sex with her plenty of times.
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    my gf is going on date with other dude/

    well she called me as usual. and she talked about stuff and i told her how me and my roommates had a party the other night. her...oh yeah/ me...yeah oh yea/ her...well why didnt you invite me/ me...wait// because i knew you had exams and wanted to study. you were in the library...
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    my gf is going on date with other dude/

    yeah same here. until i saw the <3 and call me i thought its just another freind. i mean she uses that stuff like <3 and xoxoxoxoxo when she emails me sometime but mostly we talk on the phone or text message. like i dont know how close she is with her other friends. shes kind of flirty but...
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    my gf is going on date with other dude/

    kinda too late for that now. i guess she had lunch with him today if i assume it happened. i dont know. we never really got into each others business the whole time. never really cared for each others friends. but now that i got her email password and i see this stuff it makes me feel...
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    my gf is going on date with other dude/

    > Date: Tues, 13 Dec 2005 23:02:40 -0400 (EDT) > Subject: Re: hey girl > From: ------ > To: ----- > > hey ------, > > finally done with my exams for the quarter!! yay!!! > > Hope yours went good too ;) > > i was gonna have lunch with ----- and ----- tomorrow but they have...
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    my gf is going on date with other dude/

    wait reagan whats ight/
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    my gf is going on date with other dude/

    i dont know if she has lots of guy friends or not. she has like maybe two or three guys she hangs otu with and stuff but thats her business. we dont really mind each others friends much. i mean im not insecure or anything. i just dont want her cheating on me because she lives far away now...
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    my gf is going on date with other dude/

    ah my god that was strenuous. thanks. now i edited but still my shift doesnt work properly
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    my gf is going on date with other dude/

    hi guys first i have to say i have problem with my keyboard because last night me and my roommates had this kickass party and some ***** spilt her drink computter. so my space bar isnt working now and some buttons...but enter works and i dont want to visit this site on my roommates pc...
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    Have You Ever Thought of Rape?

    Long time reader, but after reading this thread: I registered, and I had to post. More specifically, I am posting referring to the post by piranha45 saying that roughly have of the guys he polled in another...