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  1. T

    Second time going out with a girl and she paid for the dinner... what is going on?

    Make a joke of it next time it happens. "Hey, just because you're buying me dinner doesn't mean I'm going to put out tonight." ...or something to the effect.
  2. T

    girls will not smile at me.

    That is a classic sign of attraction. In the wild, animals will look down at the ground when they make eye contact with a potential mate. Same goes with women- you don't even have to smile at them and they will look down at the ground. It's a totally unconcious reflex on their part. Take it as...
  3. T

    Love & Seduction site robots

    Sounds like you and your girl just exchanged promise rings. lol, jk. ;) I think your premise is right that the search for love is a noble one. But it zig zags after that and shows me that you don't have the experience of a 40 year old like you said, but a 20 year old like you are - which...
  4. T

    Girl Brings Her Friend

    I completely disagree. If you don't believe any of us, Mystery even talks about this situation in his DVD series while talking about the 7 hour rule of his. It never stopped him. He just uses this time to knock off a few more hours of seduction and comfort building so he can accomplish his goal...
  5. T

    Girl Brings Her Friend

    Bad advice. A girl bringing her friend happens all the time when enough comfort hasn't been built yet. You better go. This is a perfect time to practice two-sets. All this girl wants is her friends oppinion of you. Spend a couple hours with them, win her friend over. Then call this girl up...