girls will not smile at me.


Senior Don Juan
Jul 16, 2005
Reaction score
I have been smiling at chicks for like over a year. now what I mean by that is, if there is a hot chick at the store I like. I will look at her and smile. I have been doing this for over a year now. But for like the past 4 months I have been really having bad success. When I see a girl walking bye I will look at her and she will either look down, look away or pretend to be stairing staright at something. Also I have a sister which is 5 years older than me. And anyways she is a hair stlylest and anyways she has a photo of me there. and she says alot of girls always ask who I am. and they say im very hansome and stuff, also even the older ladies do. so im kinda cofused. are these good signs or are they bad signs? cause to me it seems like the girls I smile at or either shy or nervous that im there. so help please.

Vincent Freeman

Don Juan
Sep 8, 2005
Reaction score
Well first of all, do you have like f*cked up teeth? If so, that could be your problem. Instead of getting a pleasant response back, your terrifying them away. Now, if the teet aren't a problem, then I would say maybe your over-analyzing the entire situation. Just because a chic didn't smile back doesn't necessarily mean she's not attracted. I would worry if I went up to a chic and as I was talking she walked away. Now that's something to be concerend about!


Master Don Juan
Sep 6, 2005
Reaction score
Originally posted by avrilishot
I have been smiling at chicks for like over a year. now what I mean by that is, if there is a hot chick at the store I like. I will look at her and smile. I have been doing this for over a year now. But for like the past 4 months I have been really having bad success. When I see a girl walking bye I will look at her and she will either look down, look away or pretend to be stairing staright at something. Also I have a sister which is 5 years older than me. And anyways she is a hair stlylest and anyways she has a photo of me there. and she says alot of girls always ask who I am. and they say im very hansome and stuff, also even the older ladies do. so im kinda cofused. are these good signs or are they bad signs? cause to me it seems like the girls I smile at or either shy or nervous that im there. so help please.
Maybe you are intimidatingly handsome. I have the same problem sometimes....but in the long run, you have to break them out of their shy shell.

Either they think you are handsome or they think you are stalking them, I doubt that you are stalking them.


Senior Don Juan
Dec 3, 2005
Reaction score
Re: Re: girls will not smile at me.

Originally posted by DJ4Real
Maybe you are intimidatingly handsome. I have the same problem sometimes....but in the long run, you have to break them out of their shy shell.

Either they think you are handsome or they think you are stalking them, I doubt that you are stalking them. guys are incredible. How the fvck do you know if you're handsome? Looks are subjective for the most part. Just because someone once told you that you look good doesn't mean the majority of women will be like minded.

It's good to have confidence, but shyt.........


Master Don Juan
Oct 3, 2005
Reaction score
Maybe you assume they don't like you or won't smile.

I am good looking by most peoples standards. I had the same problems as you. I was handsome and funny, yet nobody ever seemed to be interested in me. Although, I would yet call myself a Master Don Juan. I am starting to get some concepts.

1. It's not good enough just to smile. Approach and talk to them. The more girls you talk to the better you get.

2. Have the right state of mind. Act like you are the greatest person who ever lived. Start by loving yourself. Also act like you are the prize.

3. Don't assume. When I assume, it usually gets me nowhere.

4. Be a challenge.

5. Read the DJ Bible.

6. Give them long periods of eye contact.
Jun 27, 2005
Reaction score
Re: Re: Re: girls will not smile at me.

Originally posted by Mr_knowit_all guys are incredible. How the fvck do you know if you're handsome? Looks are subjective for the most part. Just because someone once told you that you look good doesn't mean the majority of women will be like minded.

It's good to have confidence, but shyt.........

Not appointing anyone, I have read posts where guys say "I'm too good looking" and such thinks. Then when I look at their photos they posted (in another thread, usually), I see an average guy. Kind of funny.


Master Don Juan
Jan 8, 2006
Reaction score
Dallas, Texas
My mommy says I'm beautiful... :cheer:

No but on a serious note.. Being very handsome (I am told by girls I am handsome) can scare girls away. Even beautiful women can lack confidence! They're people! The same applies for men!

I've met girls who were really hot and when I ask them if they've had a ton of boyfriends they said "no, very few actually." Most of them think there is something wrong with them....

I wouldn't be too worried if girls aren't smiling back at you. If you're as good looking as you say, then I'm sure they're just really shy. Walk up to them and talk to them..

Don't just stop smiling... Unless you've got the smile that makes you look like a serial-killer/rapist.. I know people that when they smile they look like perverts haha


New Member
Dec 11, 2005
Reaction score
she will either look down
That is a classic sign of attraction. In the wild, animals will look down at the ground when they make eye contact with a potential mate.
Same goes with women- you don't even have to smile at them and they will look down at the ground. It's a totally unconcious reflex on their part. Take it as a compliment to the fact that they are not only attracted too you, but also a bit intimidated.


Don Juan
Dec 7, 2005
Reaction score
Originally posted by avrilishot
Also I have a sister which is 5 years older than me. And anyways she is a hair stlylest and anyways she has a photo of me there. and she says alot of girls always ask who I am. and they say im very hansome and stuff, also even the older ladies do. so im kinda cofused.
Don´t get obsessed about the fact that your sister´s friend find you handsome in a picture, haven´t happenned to you that you found a girl good-looking one night, u took a picture and when u saw the photo, you said to yourself.... wow, this girl wasn´t that good-looking?!
That difference created inside your mind about her and the photo, it´s called being a DJ in this forum. Maybe you are handsome but u don´t know how to take advantage of your looks. Think about it.


Master Don Juan
Nov 13, 2005
Reaction score
Man, they're NERVOUS of you and you're WORRIED? If there isn't anything obviously wrong about you, like you're holding a bloodstained axe in your hand, I guess you just became so confident the girls are scared - like a GUY is scared when he meets a HOT GIRL. This is good scared.

I guess the best test is to have a conversation and see if she runs screaming or just talks back, licking her lips occasionally. If it's the former, you should really double-check your hand for that axe I mentioned earlier.


Master Don Juan
Sep 6, 2004
Reaction score
Have you ever thought that maybe you are not giving a girl enough chance to get to know you?! You probably look like a goof if you just stand there smiling at a passing girl.

Try to walk to one of them and start a conversation with a smile. As she warms up to you, her guard will slowly lower and thus she will start smiling as well and become more friendly.



Master Don Juan
Jan 15, 2002
Reaction score
Some chicks will make EC, some won't. Can they be intimidated by a good looking guy? Sure they can. Do they resist EC if they're interested or disinterested? Can be either. If a chick is walking and won't make EC with me, I switch to staring at her tits instead of her eyes - just to see if I can provoke a reaction. :D Try it, it's fun.

The bottom line is signals are unreliable. If you want to know a chicks interest, you have to talk to her and get her number/get on on a instant date.

The key is you have to be confident enough to approach regardless of signals ("its always on"). Chicks want and expect a guy to lead (especially if they think he is good looking).


Master Don Juan
Nov 8, 2003
Reaction score
Mr_knowit_all said: guys are incredible. How the fvck do you know if you're handsome? Looks are subjective for the most part. Just because someone once told you that you look good doesn't mean the majority of women will be like minded.

It's good to have confidence, but shyt.........
It's easy to know if you are handsome, if girls sneak always peak at you or blatantly check you out, you have alot of girls being overly friendly and interested and other girls trying to match you up with their friends and all that ****... When you get a message inside your head saying "Ohh, no... please kill me" when they compliment you on something 1000 girls have said before her... well that's just the beginning of it.