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    Senior-Sophmore Situation

    Damn, I actually never thought of it that way, but you are absolutely right. Can you give me some other tips and such for how to reverse this?
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    Senior-Sophmore Situation

    Ok this is kind of a complicated situation. So here it goes, I am a sophmore in High School and I have known this other Senior for over half the school year. She is really hot and I've always wanted to hook up with her. I had started to get the impression that she wanted me in a...
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    Fundamental Attribution Error

    Oh yeah its probably not all that useful in itself when it comes to attracting women, I mostly posted it just as an observation and as an application to the theory. In general, I think its a very good thing to keep in mind at all times.
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    Fundamental Attribution Error

    Thank you. I completely agree, I think thats exactly the reason why they have that effect on women. Excellent point!!
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    Fundamental Attribution Error

    "The fundamental attribution error is the general tendency of people to over-emphasize dispositional, or personality-based, explanations for behaviors observed in others and under-emphssize the role and power of situational influences on the same behavior. Or more simply, people tend to have a...
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    Girl Brings Her Friend

    I doubt it, and I really would rather not get w/ her friend. Anyways I decided to just cancel and invite her another time and make sure shes by herself. I'm actually pretty sure shes the shy type cause she hasn't had too many boyfriends (if any at all). I told her we should definitly meet...
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    Girl Brings Her Friend

    Yeah I definitly not gunna pay for any of their ****. But I do have a life and theres plenty of better **** I could do. This girl happens to be incredibly fine(and I mean it) though and I really wanna get further w/ her. Any other advice woulb be appriciated, thanks.
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    Girl Brings Her Friend

    Should I cancel? If so, how should I cancel the outing?
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    Girl Brings Her Friend

    She seemed really interested when I first asked her, does this mean anything? Also some more info, I know her friend a little (I talked to her at a party once). Should I try any moves? Should I still ask to hold her hand? [EDIT] One more piece of info: She seemed a little less enthusiastic...
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    Girl Brings Her Friend

    Recently I asked a girl out (I didnt really specify it was a date) and when I called her this morning she tells me she is bringing her friend(who is a girl). What does this usually mean? Is she basically saying she doesn't want it to be a date? How can I play it right for the future because I...