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  1. G

    Why are singers/actors/athletes so "important" in society?

    I think its almost become a conspiracy to dumb society down. It's *so* trivial. Balloon Boy. Octo mom. Gloria Alred. Angelina Jolie. John Mayer/Jennifer Aniston. Is there any difference between these stories? No. I think its designed to alter your sense of reality. Used to distract the public...
  2. G

    Another AFC throws his life away having dedicated it to one woman...

    Sad. I think the lesson is....even becoming a celebrity, who dated actresses (nicole ritchie, mandy moore), its not the perfect escape. Money is not the escape. Doing something you love isnt (in am's case, djing). You have to control your demons. Its funny how some celebrities seem to...
  3. G

    are women like guys and think about doing it all the time and with just about anyone

    Women are silent. They are as silent and impenetrable as one of those 150 year old turtles on the galapagos islands. Their shell and outer barrier is that hard. A hot girl is never going to come out and say, god I'm horny, please do me when you first meet. But under the shell, shes horny...
  4. G

    I was asking girls today how many times a week they get approached....

    You have to be yourself in day game (or any game). If magic, palm reading, c&f, opinion openers, etc arent you, you'll look incongruent trying to approach women. I think airport and plane "day game" are interesting. I've probably had the most natural conversations with women at the...
  5. G

    Does it really matter how many girls you've F*cked?

    I think its a good healthy goal to want to do multiple girls (maybe at the same time, ;) ) But if you havent had much experience, highschool sucked, go for it in your 20's. See whats out there. To me it'd be a shame to have so much wasted opportunity. It'd be a shame to have regrets at 35...
  6. G

    for those that have conquered approach anxiety

    I think extreme approach anxiety is tied to a general social anxiety. Not always. But if you're comfortable around people at a party, you should be able to extend that to talking to girls out and about. In highschool in the 90's, socially I was a mess. Couldnt answer the phone. I remember...
  7. G

    how do you guys over come procrastination?

    I use to be a big procrastinator in highschool, college. I like to compartmentalize those years in my mind and forget them. Because a lot of the goals I have now, I cant really procrastinate on. Tips... -What can I do *RIGHT NOW*? Anything is an improvement from where you are. Even...
  8. G

    Albert Einstein Quotes

    I'm not great at Einstein quotes, but I know he said, "Make everything as simple as possible, but not simpler" There's another quote he has about the 4 stages of genius. Something like that. They are good quotes when you think about learning. The goal is to make things as simple as...
  9. G

    Need advice for extreme approach anxiety!

    I'll add, that even this goes back to identity. You shouldnt have to worry breath smells, hows my hair, if you identify and live a solid inner game. Maybe once in awhile if you eat something bad, or if its really windy out, but most people with solid inner game/inner compass, they...
  10. G

    Would You Bang A 15, 16, or 17 Yr Old?

    Call me dirty, but just legal 16 is so hot. Honestly, how many guys here would pass that up if it were available to them right now? Even a monk would get horny looking at a young, tight box. Hehe... Classic clip of Peter Brady (Brady Bunch) "erupting" on Marcia and her friends, haha...
  11. G

    guys here over 3 years

    I got into seduction/getting girls, a long time ago. Back in 2001, I was ordering pheremones from the internet, lol, suppose to make you into a stud. It was silly. You need to work on your game and who you are. The girls will come. -Real question is, do you even want a girl? Would you...
  12. G

    I am leaving SOSUAVE

    This site has got some great information, esp if you're starting at the bottom in highschool. But honestly, 90% of the guys on this site would be so much better off if they lived in the outdoor world most of the day. And the internet becomes a small fraction of your life after a long day of...
  13. G

    Fat dudes/ugly guys DON'T get attractive women

    Honestly, some of these beliefs are ape-sh*t crazy. Yesterday, I went bike riding in Santa Barbara, California. A nice little beach town, 2 hours north of LA. Tons and tons of cute girls out. For every girl with a tan in a bikini, there was not an equal amount of buff, super chiseled guys...
  14. G

    Need advice for extreme approach anxiety!

    Its all in your mind. In highschool I was mess. My inner game and inner compass was all messed up. I think some of it has to do with the definition of yourself. There's some good books on identity. One book mentioned here, its been in some posts of books people recommend, is Maxwell...
  15. G

    How does one "fake" a social life when he doesn't have one?

    Plenty of places. I have a dog, I've been taking her to this park about a 10 minute walk from me, everday for the past few weeks. About the same time everyday, late afternoon. I've built up some familiarity with the people there. -This laura spencer looking personal trainer (from the...
  16. G


    Kino is fun. -Touching her hair is fun. Some girls I've met, they might have a new hair color or something. You go, "oh red hair, interesting". I like running my fingers from the back of their head to the top. Just a light touch. Hair is accessible, but also sort of intimate. If a girl lets...
  17. G

    Posters that give advice but really have no success themselves.

    I think this site is exciting when you first get into it. Some of the techniques and info might be a revelation. But waaaay too much philosophizing, and it goes off into this mystical, spiritual realm. About your "inner man" or something, its silly. I agree with the football analogy. You dont...
  18. G

    How does one "fake" a social life when he doesn't have one?

    I think its a limiting belief to think that you have to have friends in order for a girl to like you. Plenty of guys that move to a new area, etc that have girls over. My neighbor is renting a house to 2 or 3 roommates. They moved here maybe 2 years ago. Have girls over, parties, had a 4th of...
  19. G

    Advice to high school students.

    Highschool years are crucial IMO. Esp 16-20. I think many people spend the rest of their lives trying to compensate for terrible years from 16-20, no friends, no girls, no social skills. By 28 or 32, they're overcompensating in BMW's and Porsches, being aggressive, being someone they're not...
  20. G

    How to deal with Stress??

    Try to have a time out. Today I did a few things that were fun... -Went to this park overlooking the beach. Saw this *hot* yoga instructor on the grass instructing some kids. Her va va vooms caught my attention 50 feet away, lol. Hard not to stare, wow. Hottest yoga instructor I think...