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  1. C

    AFC in LA

    I think it is partially true that people in LA are "full of themselves" there are alot of cool people also...but you have to get through the layers.........People in SD are probably more friendly, you would probably have a better chance of meeting women there, although, if you are looking for...
  2. C

    This girl is being weird.... rejected my kiss

    Try using a neg, tell her "you dont want to kiss me cause you probably have some horrible breathe" or "You're probably not a good kisser anyway". Make her want to prove her worth as a kisser to you.....As far as the not talking to her for a week, i would just play it normal, don't let her know...
  3. C

    Just Do It?

    Doc's got it right. You got to look for IOI's (indicators of interest). I wouldn't reccomend just planting one on her out of the blue. Hold her hand, squeeze her hand....does she squeeze back? If you feel already like she might want you to kiss her, ask her,"Do you want to kiss me?"...
  4. C

    AFC in LA

    I do make it down to San Diego every once in's a little far, but I definantly love the women there......
  5. C

    AFC in LA

    I am an AFC in the LA area, I'm looking for any other AFC's or real PUA's who want to go have some fun. I just got out of a LTR and am having a hard time getting into the game. I have good looks but have a hard time with opening a set and keeping anything goin.:woo: I hope to find some cool...
  6. C

    The International Don Juan Experiment

    Count me in if this makes its way to the LA area......
  7. C

    How do I make friends?

    I hate to see your thread standing here with no replies. Looks to me your on the right path already. Keep posting in the forums, do some reading and research, take a dance class or something of the sort. Do something, anything, to better yourself and you will meet people on the way and also grow...
  8. C

    Would you dump her if she got fat?

    back on track To try to get this thread back on track......Woman who gain weight when they get comfortable in a relationship are not keepers, IMO. Look to the future, the only chance you have of having her lose weight is by dumping her. One her mother fat?