Would you dump her if she got fat?


Senior Don Juan
May 31, 2005
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Say you are dating a girl for a while, she was hot when you started going out with her.

But, over the course of the months or years she has stopped taking care of herself, gained weight etc. At the same time you were still taking care of yourself.

Would you dump her? Would you give her an ultimatum and say, shape up or i will dump you? Or would you just stay with her, because after all, you "love her" and you should not be so shallow?


Don Juan
Jun 23, 2005
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Middletown, CT
I went through this same problem a while back. The fact that she's gaining weight shows that she has a low self image, doesn't take pride in herself and doesn't think she's worth being fit and healthy. She'll argue that you should love her for her and all that crap, but the bottom line is no one wants to be with someone that stops trying.

Dump her. Not for completely superficial reasons but for the deeper reasons the weight gain represents.


Francisco d'Anconia

Master Don Juan
Jul 10, 2003
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Galt's Gulch
My last LTR ended in part because of this. I have to challenge the whole 'low self esteem' thing though. I feel that there are times where people have different priorities in their lives and for some reason or another, their appearance and heath are surpassed by other endeavors.

None the less, I wouldn't give an ultimatum since I know what I'd do if I were given one. In my LTR I tried my best by changing our eating style and attempted to get us to work out together. I didn't present it as her problem but something that would benefit both of us and the relationship.

In the end, I couldn't inspire her to adjust her priorities. That coupled with other underlying problems caused us to go our separate ways. I said it before, I'm definitely superficial but I don't ask for anything that I'm not willing to offer. You may not get everything that you want, but that doesn't mean that you have to settle for anything less than you can tolerate.


Don Juan
Jun 23, 2005
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Middletown, CT
$Fd, in my case it was a self esteme thing. In fact, I was bodybuilding semi-professionally at the time so she had every opportunity for good food, diet coaching, a live in personal trainier and even a full gym in our basement later on. The bottom line was her "priotities" were getting up in the middle of the night to eat cookies and ice cream (and not telling me when I poured over her diet and exercise programs to try and figure out why she couldn't lose weight), going out to eat and drink with her friends and skipping workouts to sleep in.

She even pulled the "you should love me unconditionally" BS on me. When I asked her how she'd feel if I stopped training and dieting and got fat and let all my body hair grow back in she said "oh, don't do that"



Gangster Of Love

Master Don Juan
Dec 27, 2002
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Los Angeles
Re: Re: Would you dump her if she got fat?

Originally posted by Wyldfire
If you find that the women you get involved with keep getting fat it's because you're an ass.


They keep getting fat because maintaining a healthy weight is not a priority to them. There is no fear of loss if they get fat, either they don't think you'll mind their weight gain or they don't care if you don't like it. Either way, just eject and find somebody with more discipline and pride. What a cope out, to say "I'm getting fat because of the guy I'm dating." Take some fvcken responsibility and do something about it.

Best thing to do is date women with character strong enough that they will not alloow anything anybody says or does, as in "being an ass" cause them to gain weight.


New Member
Sep 11, 2005
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back on track

To try to get this thread back on track......Woman who gain weight when they get comfortable in a relationship are not keepers, IMO. Look to the future, the only chance you have of having her lose weight is by dumping her. One question....is her mother fat?


Don Juan
Jun 23, 2005
Reaction score
Middletown, CT
Sometimes they get thin again and start to care about their appearance when they're getting ready to leave too :crackup:

But the bottom line is YOU'LL never be with them thin again........


Francisco d'Anconia

Master Don Juan
Jul 10, 2003
Reaction score
Galt's Gulch
Re: back on track

Originally posted by Coldchill
To try to get this thread back on track......Woman who gain weight when they get comfortable in a relationship are not keepers, IMO. Look to the future, the only chance you have of having her lose weight is by dumping her. One question....is her mother fat?
I use to do the "what does her mother look like" thing but that doesn't work really well. It does come down to her lifestyle, even more so than whether she was thin in the beginning.

Unless she has had a lifestyle that is conducive to fitness, it will be a toss up whether or not she will retain her body type. It's much easier to stay fit than to become fit. Also, people who have worked hard to get to a specific body fitness usually do not want to waste their hard work (I'm not talking about fad diets either).

But I can go along with gix, his girl wanted him to change his lifestyle and forgo his hard work. That's not fair. But one thing I can say it's not fair to expect either side to change but yet allowing certain crap to happen "if you loved them" is a load of BS. If that was the case we wouldn't have couples divorcing because of alcoholism, infidelity or any other type of abuse.

Ever consider overeating as a type of abuse? It makes you wonder...


Don Juan
Jun 1, 2003
Reaction score
I finnished with a girl due to the fact that she put too much weight on.

The way I see it is, if I take pride in my apearence by eating healthy and working out at the gym, then it's not unreasonable to expect something similar from someone you date.

When my ex put on all the weight on I just didn't find her attractive any more. I did try telling her, but she was a lost cause.

I remember one of the last times we spent the day together in the city, she was going on about losing weight and dieting. Anyway when it was time for lunch we went to a shopping centre with all these fast food places. I got some healthy Thai food, while she went to Mc D's, it was at that moment that I realised that it was time for her to go.

As great a girl that she was, with all the weight she had put on I just could bring myself to sleep with her any more.


Jul 26, 2005
Reaction score
right on juaneo,

some people may call me superficial, but I look at it the same way you do. me and my current girlfriend do all kinds of exercise crap together and have a blast together doing it. it sure beats the h*ll outta my last girl, who was kinda fat. she also liked to complain about it too, which made it worse.

the only thing worse than a fat girl is a fat girl who complains about being fat.....


Don Juan
Jun 23, 2005
Reaction score
Middletown, CT
Originally posted by speedo_meme

the only thing worse than a fat girl is a fat girl who complains about being fat.....
Damn right!!!!! :crackup:

Rollo Tomassi

Master Don Juan
Oct 4, 2004
Reaction score
Ah, great topic,..

I generally go into great detail on a lot of my posts about the conditions for intimacy women place on men. He's got to be attractive, tall, well employed or the potential to be so, he must have status (some call it power), be caring, sensitive, humorous, educated, not too overbearing, not indecisive, posess confidence, a good listener,..etc., etc. and the list goes on and on. Rarely do I have the chance to explain men's one condition for intimacy - physical attraction. She's GOT to be hot. Guy's rarely post seeking advice for HB 2s or 3s, they post about HB 7s to 9s.

That said, his one condition should be pretty important as well as effect the highest standard he's capable of attaining. Obviously men's particular ability to attract women is based on a number of criteria (including his own appearance) and respective of his own physical conditions - in otherwords fat guys are going to be limited in their ability to attract exceptionally fit women and those that do so by meeting women's other conditions for intimacy (most commonly wealth) will still be hindered in their ability to maintain a woman's continuous interest level, desire, arousal and passion. Needless to say this would also call her fidelity into question at some point and even if it were completely unwarranted it's still an existing issue.

The same situation holds true for women only there is a much higher standard for maintaining her physical attraction. His one condition for intimacy is that she remain attractive and to a greater degree, sexually available to him. In order to circumvent this women for centuries have maintained a complex social dynamic that makes his one condition his greatest fault. Thus we hear how 'shallow' he is for not seeing her 'inner beauty'. We are scolded for being 'superficial' and ridiculed as being unevolved troglodytes for those men with still enough testosterone to overtly say they're looking for the best looking woman they can get. "It's what's on the inside that counts", or "Beauty is only skin deep" has been the mantra of westernized romaniticism since the Renaissance. And why not? It works in a woman's biological favor to breed with the male gifted with not only the best genes, but also the best ability to provide for her security and that of her offspring. What better social dictum than one that shames him for recognizing his one condition for intimacy while simultaneously giving her the advantage of better selection when she doesn't measure up to what his standards would biologically be. Human beings have many psycho-social practices that have the latent purpose of thwarting our evolved, biological best interests, this is one of them.

Just as a side note here, I should point out that the two most common reasons cited for divorce in western culture are sex and money, and in that order. Men most commonly complain that their wives are no longer in the shape that they were when they met and women generally complain of reasons relating to his ambition and economic status. Every married man I've experienced (including myself) has always expressed feelings that his wife isn't as sexually available - in frequency or intensity (i.e. passion/desire) in comparisson to when they first encountered each other. Generally this is due to her "letting herself go" after marriage or childbirth and she no longer 'feels sexy' so sex becomes less important to her or worse still, it takes the status of becoming another 'household chore' to add to her list. This then becomes a viscious cycle; she's let herself go, sex decreases in importance to her and she makes little attempt to, or has no time to take care of herself physically as she did in her youth when she had a prime motivation to maintain herself in peak physical shape (or as close as she could). Add to this the psycho-social dynamic that stresses that men ought not to be so concerned with the physical or place such importance upon sex and goes as far as to shame him as a 'deviant' if he is unwilling to internalize and accept this. Her lack of desire becomes HIS problem.

He of course feels cheated and goes through the frustrating internal turmoil of dealing with a social dynamic that tells him he's 'bad' for recognizing his wife is no longer the woman he married. This is called the 'bait & switch' marriage. Her sex drive and physical condition is more than acceptable during courtship and pre-marital relations, but after the marriage he feels he got a raw deal and is powerless to even mention that she ought to take better care of herself for fear of driving that psychological wedge between them that the dynamic of 'loving her for what she is and not her physical form' dictates. Essentially he is stripped of his one condition for intimacy while her conditions remain and are even more pronounced in light of the responsibilities he assumes in marriage or an LTR.

How's that for psych 101?


Don Juan
Jun 23, 2005
Reaction score
Middletown, CT
AWESOME post Rollo :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer:


Don Juan
Sep 19, 2004
Reaction score
Boogie Street
You meat a chick and decide if you want her for a gf based on certain criteria. Even if the girl changes, your criteria must stay the same. One should't lower his standards just because a woman wants him to.


Senior Don Juan
Aug 17, 2005
Reaction score
Long Beach, CA

If you’re keeping yourself in the same shape (you’re not fat), and your girl is letting herself go then she most likely is she does NOT respect you. Her behaviour says is she doesn’t see you as someone worth keeping in shape for, and that’s a slap in the face! In any case do not expect her to change until AFTER you dump her.

Francisco d'Anconia

Master Don Juan
Jul 10, 2003
Reaction score
Galt's Gulch
Re: dump

Originally posted by SoCalMike
If you’re keeping yourself in the same shape (you’re not fat), and your girl is letting herself go then she most likely is she does NOT respect you. Her behaviour says is she doesn’t see you as someone worth keeping in shape for, and that’s a slap in the face! In any case do not expect her to change until AFTER you dump her.
A lot of guys think this is a disrespectful thing against them, I don't think so. I do think that she may be loosing respect for herself.

Overall I think that people get complacent and choose not to make the efforts to keep things healthy both individually and for the relationship. People nowadays are generally complacent about life. It's not easily noticeable until someone is directly effected by it and do not subscribe to that mindset.

I do agree that people may not change until after the break up. They'll change if they realize that they do not want to go through the situation again. It's not a given that they'll change though. For some people it's too much of an effort for them. Go figure.

Lost In Translation

Master Don Juan
Aug 30, 2004
Reaction score
great post Rollo Tomassi :woo:

slap a title on it and it should be in the DJ Bible

Lost In Translation :D


Rollo Tomassi

Master Don Juan
Oct 4, 2004
Reaction score
How do you submit something for the Bible?


Master Don Juan
May 20, 2001
Reaction score
New Jersey
I had an argument with my girl about this. I told her that I think men complain to others about their women when they get fat not because of just the weight problem but also when men don't see their partners try to lose the weight.

Oh you should have heard this debate. The truth has it's place in arguing with a woman. I didn't hear the end of it for a long time.

My contention is relative to what women complain about their husbands or boyfriends after they get married or shacked up: men don't do the nice things they used to do.