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  1. G

    Smoking out flakey women...

    you've got a woman right now, why do you care so much about this girl? Even after her flaking on you.. You were not a control freak, you were just standing up for your self & she didnt like it.
  2. G

    Signs that tell she's not into you

    THis is has potential to be a wonderul thread. Im still kind of an afc, but iv been working on this **** hard...I mean iv bee out their in the trenches getting denied. I dont know if you are further along than me, but other than some of these other "dj's" ill try & offer some constructive...
  3. G

    You guys are my last option.

    Try doing the next boot-camp. That way you can get alot of peer-review to focus on the specific problems you may have, wether it's approaching girls, or actually striking up conversations. DOing it with others will also inpsire you to get out there & do it because you've "commited" your self...
  4. G

    So i called her and she said that she didnt know me, thanx sosuave

    3 day rule. Im not an afc, probally two steps above an AFC, which is not saying much. But anyways, since the new college semester started (one month now) iv gotten 6 phone #'s, 6 solid/good rapport #'s at that, but on everyone of them I have waited 3+ days to call on everyone & so far...
  5. G

    Fall semester starting tomarrow..

    Good tips on those links I liked them. I will share one since it seems many of us are in the same boat here - At my college, our cafeteria is in the student union building which is our student "hang out" place but not really since it kinda sucks. Anyways I usually go get lunch there, and...
  6. G

    Fall semester starting tomarrow..

    I would like to start this semester off with a few new tips under my belt . So anyone, with any creative/original tips or suggestions for hitting on girls first day in class, id quite appreciate them. Then ill post tomarrow evening on how it went. Here's some info if needed - im in college...
  7. G

    The ultimate kino ****yfunny combo- use anytime, anywhere!

    That is an awsome tip!!! I love it!! Im going to use it tomarrow. If you have anymore tips of that caliber, share them!
  8. G

    DJ Bootcamp Week 4 (Summer 2005)

    You know guys,Iv been a work in progress for awhile. I read sosuave 4 years ago when I first went to college but didnt have the balls to go through with anything I could barely talk to strangers! Now going back to college again & 4 years later I have a great deal more confidence. If...
  9. G

    DJ Bootcamp Week 4 (Summer 2005)

    Not all of us are gone yet it seems! iv had no internet at home for the past week or so, so I havent had much of a chance to post. Iv come a fair distance since iv first started but still kind of affraid to approach! in certain situations I can and will approach and certain ones it's still...
  10. G

    DJ Bootcamp Week 2 (Summer 2005)

    either today or tomarrow is the begining of week 3. Just act is today is to give your self an extra day. Nietzche has got to be one of my favorite philosphers that'd be kind of cool to meet a HB who was into nietzche, she'd probally be extremly ****ed up though. The bookstore is supposed to...
  11. G

    DJ Bootcamp Week 2 (Summer 2005)

    DJ BOOTCAMP ! ! ! ! ! ! Dude just iniatiate convo's anywhere you see a girl who is alone who is doing anything. See her getting a drink of water? Go get behind her then talk to her after she gets a drink. See her checking out cards ( any given holiday) go check them out and talk to her...