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  1. T

    What to do?

    Re: Re: Dude... crap i posted in the wrong thread...
  2. T

    What to do?

    Re: thanx for the reply... but... im in a simmaler situation. this girls even told me that she likes me a lot but we tried going out before and ended up not as friends and it sucked and she doesnt want to go through that again so being the nice guy i am said that we didnt have to go out and...
  3. T

    my life suks.

    Re: Re: my life suks. I dont know if some of this stuff has already been said b/c i didnt read the whole thread but here it goes. I. If you work out in any way (ie jumping jacks/push ups etc.) it increases a hormone that will raise confidence. It doesnt even have to be that strenuous, just...