my life suks.


Don Juan
Jun 14, 2005
Reaction score
not telling :P
God damnit my life sucks.

I read the dj bible all the time and i always try and implement the stuff but no matter what my confidence wont rise. I always find that theres just $hit happenin all the time. Ive left a school where i was bullied and my confidence went there, now here people are starting to be ****y with me, even little kids. I'm not avin it anymore life is getting so crap.. my life is $hit. I'm good lukin n all but noone will aproach me they think im a 'loner' a 'loser' or 'gay'. I need to toughen up (i cant go 2 gym yet, not old enuf) but i will do press ups. Any ideas? My problem is my confidence rises then as soon as it hits a high by implementing a technique someone brings me down. I swear im gona batter sum1 one day.

Advice? Cheerz


Master Don Juan
Aug 26, 2004
Reaction score
the only things you can do in your situation is:

1st. bulkin up (how old are you? i know people who started to go to the gym by the time they were 13)

2nd. don't take crap from anybody: if somebody says sh1t to/about you, don't laugh nervously at his jokes or, even worse, pretend you don't hear him or you are superior. this last one could work if you didn't have the reputation you actually have. just think of something really embarrassing about him and say it out loud. if you are bold enough, say something along the line of 'shut up or i'll bang your mother again, b1tch'. at that point, the other guy will probably get p1ssed and everything, you go up to him and say in an entertained way 'did i offend you?'. it's very unlikely that he will want to fight (trust me, even when somebody starts to push you physically, most times he's not going to hit you...), but if he throws his punches at you, don't be afraid at all.
guy, remember this: in your situation, nothing can harm you. i don't mean to sound like a pr1ck, but your reputation has already hit bottom, so what do you have to lose? he could even KO you, so what? it's almost impossible that he will break something (then you could sue him), so don't worry. just act like a psycho b1tch and start to throw your punches towards him. forget about how bigger/smaller/stronger/weaker than you he looks: if you act like a maniac, he will probably be so scared that he his muscles will block and you will KO him easily.
most people in high school have never been in a fight (neither in a light one), so you don't have to worry. size means very little when you have never had the chance to use it: in this case, it's all about your madness.

3. don't give a sh1t about what other people think about you. i know it's hard, but in your situation is easier than in other people's.
Jul 6, 2005
Reaction score
Some Ideas

Hey man,
I am 19 and know where you are in this point in your life. All the way through public school I never fit in...and highschool was a bit better cause there are many kinds of people...but because of the damage of public school, and my home life, my confidence sucked, I never really fit in all that well, and girls never gave me a second glance. Then in my last year of highschool, I started getting into a lot of dating stuff for some reason...I have signed up for just about every dating and seduction news letter on the my inbox is pretty full lol. Anyways, all this stuff will help, but unless you go deep within yourself things won't change. You can read all the stuff on women you want, but unless you determine exactly what has brought you down in the first place, you won't get better with chicks no matter how much you read, or even practice. Feeling unconfident can be the cause of many things, a dominant mother who always was critisizing you as a child for something, or not fitting in at school in your early days...all of a persons problems stem from childhood, because all humans can ever deal with are thoughts, and thoughts can be changed...but sometimes the root thought is so deep...we have to kill it before the rest of the tree dies. You can start by telling examining your early childhood. Think back on all the negative **** you can remember that people said to you as a child that made you feel unsuccessful in whatever. Then tell yourself that that is in the past, and it no longer has power of you. then tell yourself some sort of new positive affirmation. See yourself as soil. you must prepare yourself before you plant the seeds. you can't just read this **** and be great with women, if you are unconfident with women, or with are not unconfident with that thing, you are simply unconfident, and other mixed thoughts are bringing that up in the situation. So simply, awknowledge ll your negative **** in your past, look at it, then tell it to **** the hell off, then look to the future with a positive attitude that supports yourself. Good luck man. Peace.
STeve Loney

P.S. I highly recommend the book, You Can Heal Your Life by Louise L Hay. Her book is all about weeding out problems in your life, and how to find the root thought that is causing it. This book has helped me very very much!!


Master Don Juan
Aug 3, 2004
Reaction score
Hey dude,

I won't admit I know what you're going through, because my situation was not as severe. I just graduated from high school, and it wasn't the '4 best years of my life', like many think it should be.

Lots of the stuff I wanted to suggest is already up there, so briefly - work out. If you're too young, exercise: sprints, pushups, chinups. Eat healthy.

People-wise - don't run from them. You ran from your other school, I take it. But you didn't escape the problem, did ya? It's not like the people from that school followed you there.

So change. Do you do extracurriculars? If not, you should. You're young, got lots of time ahead of you. Join sports teams even if you currently suck at them. Run track, play football, basketball, etc. That helps you meet people, but MAKE SURE that's not the main reason for playing. Play cause you like it. Do stuff outside of school, and get good at it. Get involved, basically.

Wanna beat someone up? Go ahead. I'm sick of pro/anti violence debates here. Wanna fight? Go ahead.

Also, read the boards. There's lots of similar cases to yours.

And have fun. Never forget that.

Jerky Boi

Master Don Juan
Feb 10, 2004
Reaction score
Sometimes you just have to roll with the punches. If you're truly confident about yourself, no one and I mean NO ONE can bring you down. I hear sh1t everyday from people that would normally make anyone else mad but you just have to shrug it off. Make it into something humorous and it will drive them crazy that what they just said didn't bother you one bit. If you think you look good, use that to your advantage. YOU have to be the one to approach chicks. Remember, they're usually the ones that are afraid of conversation.


Senior Don Juan
Jun 14, 2005
Reaction score
Dude. listen to me. U think all this **** because u keep putting ur self down. Every day u have to tell ur self that ur the sexiest motha fukin person on earth. And trust me u will feel like the sexiest mother fuka on earth. its all in ur mind man. what u say is what u r? remember that one. just keep praising ur self and telling ur self how sexy u are. go around telling people how sexy u r. tell the whole world. this is how i overcame my confidence problem.


New Member
Jul 6, 2005
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Originally posted by shadowfox
God damnit my life sucks.

I read the dj bible all the time and i always try and implement the stuff but no matter what my confidence wont rise. I always find that theres just $hit happenin all the time. Ive left a school where i was bullied and my confidence went there, now here people are starting to be ****y with me, even little kids. I'm not avin it anymore life is getting so crap.. my life is $hit. I'm good lukin n all but noone will aproach me they think im a 'loner' a 'loser' or 'gay'. I need to toughen up (i cant go 2 gym yet, not old enuf) but i will do press ups. Any ideas? My problem is my confidence rises then as soon as it hits a high by implementing a technique someone brings me down. I swear im gona batter sum1 one day.

Advice? Cheerz
They probably think you're arrogant. Confidence and Arrogance are not the same thing. Think about it.


Master Don Juan
Nov 6, 2004
Reaction score
Originally posted by shadowfox
God damnit my life sucks.

I read the dj bible all the time and i always try and implement the stuff but no matter what my confidence wont rise. I always find that theres just $hit happenin all the time. Ive left a school where i was bullied and my confidence went there, now here people are starting to be ****y with me, even little kids. I'm not avin it anymore life is getting so crap.. my life is $hit. I'm good lukin n all but noone will aproach me they think im a 'loner' a 'loser' or 'gay'. I need to toughen up (i cant go 2 gym yet, not old enuf) but i will do press ups. Any ideas? My problem is my confidence rises then as soon as it hits a high by implementing a technique someone brings me down. I swear im gona batter sum1 one day.

Advice? Cheerz
Don't wait for someone to appoach you! Do it yourself. Converse with your peers and girls you find an attraction with.

They think your a loser, a loner, or gay? Are you? You sure act like it.

Go prove them wrong; take the first step.

NOTE: People judge you based on the way you act. I.E.: Avoid socialiazation, etc.


New Member
Jul 7, 2005
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Re: Re: my life suks.

I dont know if some of this stuff has already been said b/c i didnt read the whole thread but here it goes.

I. If you work out in any way (ie jumping jacks/push ups etc.) it increases a hormone that will raise confidence. It doesnt even have to be that strenuous, just enough to break a sweat and what not.

II. Being a magician, i perform a lot. I usued to have no confidence at all and i was a "loner" most of my freshman year. And for some reason, since 7th grade ive been known as "the jew" Im not jewish either. Like during band, i had no one to talk to b/c all of my friends went to another school. Once you find something you enjoy doing, things become easier. Like for me, magic. I have fun w/ this (and get paid $25 an hour!) but i wouldnt be able to do it w/ no confidence. You just have to take a chance man! when you find something you love to do it will be easier.

Plus there was this one chick (like a 9.5 in everything) that thought i was hot b/c i was a loner.


Don Juan
Jun 14, 2005
Reaction score
not telling :P
thanks for all the replys i can defenetly see imrpovements. Im not initiating conversation but im acting with more 'confidence' talking more clearly instead of mumbling and trying to continue conversation. Its gonna be hard but i hope i have this sorted before college. My goal is to beat this by this time next year.


Master Don Juan
Jun 22, 2005
Reaction score
Re: Re: Re: my life suks.

Originally posted by themystifier
I dont know if some of this stuff has already been said b/c i didnt read the whole thread but here it goes.

I. If you work out in any way (ie jumping jacks/push ups etc.) it increases a hormone that will raise confidence. It doesnt even have to be that strenuous, just enough to break a sweat and what not.

II. Being a magician, i perform a lot. I usued to have no confidence at all and i was a "loner" most of my freshman year. And for some reason, since 7th grade ive been known as "the jew" Im not jewish either. Like during band, i had no one to talk to b/c all of my friends went to another school. Once you find something you enjoy doing, things become easier. Like for me, magic. I have fun w/ this (and get paid $25 an hour!) but i wouldnt be able to do it w/ no confidence. You just have to take a chance man! when you find something you love to do it will be easier.

Plus there was this one chick (like a 9.5 in everything) that thought i was hot b/c i was a loner.
We must be related because I was in band and everybody thought I was a Jew. But I'm not a magician. But I do see your point.


Master Don Juan
Jun 14, 2005
Reaction score
florida baby
ah dude i used to have this problem.

during the middle of the year i threw my social life away to become a campaign worker/addict (idiot). blew my freshman year and became a loser/loner. everyone makes fun of me and everything i do. then i discovered this site and i just started telling people that if they dont like me they can **** off. the funniest thing was this kid named connnor would always pick on me in english and one day i just turned around and hey connor he looks and i put my finger to my mouth and go "shhhhhhh" and he'd be like oh u little and i'd "shhhhhhh" and he sat there confused as people chuckled and we turned out friends. just show confidence (god now i have too much lol) and people will learn to shutup and dig.


Apr 25, 2005
Reaction score
Cleveland, Ohio
Don't wait for girls to approach you man, because if you do that, your just wasting time, because its not likely to happen. Also, don't be afraid to approach man, I was afraid to approach my whole 8th grade year and most of early 9th Grade. Then sometime around April I told myself, "You know what! I'm tired of being scared! I'm going to approach her!" and I had went up to her said "Hey, Katie, how's it going?", went better than I anticipated. Turns out alot of the fears I had, I was just creating in my mind, she didn't ignore me, she wasn't mean to me and it actually went pretty well. As my confidence rose, I started approaching more & more girls, conversations didn't go as well as I planned, but hey, I approached them. Currently, I'm trying to better my conversational skills, not just with girls, but with people in general.

Try this approach, it's a good way to introduce yourself:
Me: Hey, what's your name?
Her: [Name]
Me: [Make a comment on her name]
Her: You?
Me: Oh, I'm [Your Name, obviously.].
Me: Well, it's nice to meet you, [Name].
Her: Yeah, it's nice to meet you to.
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