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  1. D

    How do you attain Social Status?

    vin diesel
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    I don't understand, how EMOs get women?

    EMO is the antichrist of the dj bible, yet they have found success. which proves that the dj bible is 65% full of ****.
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    how should i tell her about her brows?

    I'm dating this girl and she looks good, except for one thing. Her brows are pretty damn thick and she'd look much better if she tweezed those suckers. I don't know if she thinks this looks good or what. She keeps "other areas" nicely neat and trimmed.
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    need advice on AMOGing

    i suck at amogging.. i guess it has to do with how my general attitude in life has developed over the course of the years. perhaps during highschool i would have been better at honing in at this particular skill. i was the "trouble-maker" in school during most of my academic years. and i got...
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    How many fallen bootcamp soldiers?

    where do i start with bootcamp? when's the next session start?
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    sounds like she's showing interest if she's letting you touch her like that.
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    Being a peoples person is not in me..

    just curious but ive actually seen one of those audio cd's for sale on amazon, never bought it, how was it?
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    need advice on girl from class

    I like this girl in one of my classes. She's smart, two years younger than me, has the right personality that I like, very loyal...the list goes on. The only problem is she's currently living with a guy whom she liked in the past. I guess they knew each other during high school. She...
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    Dump your openers here

    creative pickup lines creative pickup lines that are original, i'll start off with one. i just used this one recently, "it says on your profile that you are interested in dating, can i take you out on a date sometime?" i used this one, with this one girl to try to get her attention cos...
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    Having a bit of a problem with a girl..

    one word: oneitis
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    I Feel Fvcking High on Life

    i noticed that if i stop beating off so much, i get this high, like maybe its hormones or somethin. but it feels pretty damn good. lol
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    the password for the bootcamp word format file

    how do i obtain the password for the bootcamp word format file? when i open the file it ask for a password.
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    Jayer's 100 Approach Journal (Will Finish 100 approaches no matter what)

    why don't you start off by asking her a more "less-pressured" question opener.. i know this may go against pugsley, but yea. as i am thinking about the pugsley method of reducing your fear of rejection, by going out and just getting rejected left and right by women, why not just go around...
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    and yea, ive read the dj bible already, lol.