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  1. W

    The End of Masculinity

    Rollo By social circumstances I mean the environment we live in, animals are capable of adapting their biological make up and body shapes when the environment creates a necessity for this change. Unlike what darwin believed, it is very possible for this type of evolution to take place within a...
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    The End of Masculinity

    Westcoaster Of course masculinity is rooted in testosterone, but do you think our biological make up just appeared out of thin air? The point I’m trying to make here is that our biological nature is influenced by our social circumstances in which we live in and capable of changing, it’s called...
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    The End of Masculinity

    The End of Masculinity Masculinity as we used to define it is on its way out. Is this a bad thing or perhaps not at all? Let’s look at the origins of this process, I will explain things as simple as possible. Masculinity or “men being real men” has its roots in female dependency on...
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    getting too comfortable

    Lately I have become very confident, which is a good thing, but the thing now is that I don't seem care about anything. It's like I've gotten my priorities straight and I've figured out what's important and what's not, only now I seem to be ignoring the little things, the things that...
  5. W

    Everyone's Natural Place

    Alright, let me try to make my point more clearly. I don't think women are completely stupid or totally incapable of irrational thought, what I was trying to say about men being more rational and women more emotional is: They both are logical and emotional as someone else pointed out, but...
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    Everyone's Natural Place

    Everyone's Natural Place Here at this forum there is always a lot of talk about a man’s natural place and a woman’s natural place. Personally I find that women are more nurturers and more emotional and therefore more qualified to be good mothers and nurturers to people around them. This...
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    Anyone watch Tennis?

    I love Tennis I was at Wimbledon last week, queued for three and a half hours to get in, had to get up 5.30. If you're looking for babes: forget Serena Williams, she's too masculine. forget Sharapova, she's got very broad shoulders and when she's grunts it sounds like a pig getting...
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    Yeah I like Ayn Rand. Yeah I've been around for a while, impoving myself along the way. Thanks for the reply's, but I also think reaching this stage is not all good, it kind of numbs you emotionally and that makes you very difficult to connect with for other people, since they usually...
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    Enlightenment I guess we’re all here on this site to learn something about life and how to live it in a successful way, all of course in a quest to make ourselves happier. What I’ve found at as you get a bit older and you learn to better analyse a situation and you learn to react more...