Everyone's Natural Place


New Member
Jun 19, 2005
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Everyone's Natural Place

Here at this forum there is always a lot of talk about a man’s natural place and a woman’s natural place.

Personally I find that women are more nurturers and more emotional and therefore more qualified to be good mothers and nurturers to people around them. This emotional nature on the other hand also usually means that they have a hard time thinking truly rationally, that is without any emotions, purely thinking logically.

Men seem to be clearly more able think rationally than most women are. This clearly identifies men as more qualified to lead in for example business or politics or any other areas where rational decisions have to be made.

However there are certain women who, however unfeminine, are quite capable of thinking rationally, of course these women are often highly intelligent, and practically speaking I feel those women are indeed capable of being good leaders, but on the other hand, these women do apparently disrupt the old pattern of roles for men and women, with women being submissive and men dominant.

These women have always existed, look at for example Jeanne d’Arc, who may not have been the most rational person, but she did have the balls to go out there and take what she wanted.

These women can help certain societies improve and they can help countries and businesses by being good at what they do.

However feminism has gotten such a stronghold on the way of thinking of today, that for example in Sweden there is a law that says that half of their parliament must consist of 50% women and 50% men. With this law, they simply assume that women are equally as good as men at being political leaders, which is an assumption I believe to be false.

There are women capable of being good politicians, but they are the exceptions rather than the rule. This means that the quality of politicians is compromised simply for the sake of being politically correct towards females, or worse; these people actually believe that the average woman is just as capable of thinking rationally and being a good decision-maker as the average man.

Another factor to take into consideration when analysing these developments is the fact that even if women are indeed capable of being great politicians and leaders, this development disrupts the old system in which men are dominant and women submissive.

Women are becoming more individualistic and less focused on being a nurturer and it is exactly this quality of women that society needs.

Men seem to thrive more when they’ve got a woman behind them, who loves them and supports them, this development has also caused men to feel more like women don’t really need them, thus harming their confidence.

Most importantly it has caused a decline in successful and long lasting marriages.

Without a proper balance of power it’s tough to manage a relationship and especially when kids are involved and both parent feel the need to have a career, parenting becomes something that people leave to babysitters for them to do.

In other cases people postpone having children until their (late) thirties and sometimes it’s too late for certain women, because they have become infertile. When people postpone having children, this also leads to less children being born, as we can see in Europe where populations are shrinking if it wasn’t for immigration, making immigrants a more and more dominant group in all western European countries, this of course is leading to cultural conflicts.

The most serious problem with this population decline is the group it mostly effects: highly educated men and women who both want a career and in meantime are barely having children along the way, when at the same time young sluts are getting pregnant by the age of 16, having three babies by the age of 21 and not knowing any of the fathers.

What will this mean for the coming generations, where idiots are having a relatively large amount of children versus highly intelligent having barely any children, do we really want stupid people multiplying faster than smart people?

I personally don’t mind certain women having a career as long it doesn’t become a wide spread phenomenon with possibly some very negative consequences.

Any Comments?


Master Don Juan
Jul 24, 2003
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All this means is that we will fall just like the Roman and other empires, the cycle of human life will continue.

THe ROmans had issues at the end (orgies, hired mercenaries instead of Romans in the Army, laziness, lax rule, dictatorship, etc, etc)

We are headed there



Don Juan
May 8, 2005
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Clayton, New Mexico
Actualy, the Romans were the ones who institiuted the ideas of subserviant women in culture as they spread out over Europe. Many of the older tribes had women who fought alongside the men and did men work.

Yes, women are more in touch with thier emotions and are somewhat better nurtures than we are. However, to make the claim that they are stupid and cannot use logic when logic is needed is to assume that women are just bascily wombs on legs.

I've found that women get irrational about two things. Thier children and men.

You know what? As a teacher, I've found that there are two things that men get irrational about. Their children and women.

To say women are illogical means

A. no bank account for them, since math is logical.

B. No driving, honey. That's logic based.

C. No helping the kids with homework, espcialy science, math, music, or english. OH SHYT! We have women TEACHING THOSE SUBJECTS IN SCHOOL! Better yank those ladies out because how on earth could a woman understand politics and social studies, let alone teach it to my child?

On fact, why not just keep them at home, uneducated where they clean all day, watch mindless soaps and wait for us to come home and fvck em?

I'm not signing up to marry an idiot.


Master Don Juan
Oct 14, 2004
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man and women are both emotional and logical thinkers. Women do NOT lack logical thought patterns but they are more emotional than men. Men are not simply logical thinkers and many of the best succomb to their emotions at time. I say this to clear up the reitterated nonsense that men are logical women are emotional. Theres more to it than that.


New Member
Jun 19, 2005
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Alright, let me try to make my point more clearly.

I don't think women are completely stupid or totally incapable of irrational thought, what I was trying to say about men being more rational and women more emotional is:

They both are logical and emotional as someone else pointed out, but at the top of corporate or political ladder, I think we need leaders who are capable of making rational decisions, without being affraid of hurting anyone's feelings, without being politically correct, but by purely making rational decisions, however tough they may be, for the good of the country or organisation.

In short we need leaders with balls and I think we're seeing less and less of these kind of people, as both men and women are usually not wise enough and are responding to situations in a far too emotional way.

Taking in, the more emotional nature of women, I feel we're going to have a harder time finding this type of leader among women than among men, even if there are women like that out there, they're the exceptions rather than the rule.


Of course everybody should be for equal oppurtunity, because women deserve the freedom to do what they want.

There is however a catch, giving equal oppurtinities to women, for them to go out and have a career, even if they're great at what they do, means it disrupts a well functioning traditional relatonship model, in where men are dominant and women submissive. Like I said in my original post, this sounds pretty harmless but, let me set out the differences in family development with the old versus the new model.

old model:
man and women have a succesful relationship.
man pursues career.
woman stays at home has several children, she has plenty of time to raise these children well and the populations grows or at least sustains itself.

new model A:
man and women have a succesful relationship.
man pursues career.
woman pursues career.
they choose not to have children.

new model B:
man and women have a succesful relationship.
man pursues career.
woman pursues career.
they choose to postpone having children for a long time, having a child in their mid to late thirties, this will be their last child.

new model C:
man and women have a succesful relationship.
man pursues career.
woman pursues career.
they have a regular amount of children, but they choose to raise them both around their working hours, leaving a lot of responsibility to babysitters, not quite being as involved in their child's upbringing as people in the old model.

These days the old model still exists, bet the new models are getting more popular every day.

The old model creates a stable and healthy society.

New model A leads to a decline in population, leading to the total extinction of the human race in the long run.

New model B also leads to a decline in population, leading to the total extinction of the human race in the long run.

New Model C creates two less than perfect parents, when both are trying to raise kids in their spare time and bad parenting or even less attention being given to being a parent, can never be a good thing.

These days, the only people who still try to stick to the old model are the stupid people, both men and women, these stupid women usually don't have the brains to go out and have a career so they do still stay at home to have kids and look after them.

This leads to stupid having more children than smart people and that can't be a good thing, wouldn't you say?

The long term effects on society when women are having careers and not being too concerned with being a good mother are quite catastrophical.

That is the main point of my article, plenty of women can have careers, I just think that:

A: Women shouldn't be getting powerful positions, through positive discrimination.

B: We shouldn't ignore the biological differences between men and women.

C: Encouraging women to be independent, individualistic through feminism and all that girl power talk, leads to career minded women and the consequences of that, I've mentioned.