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  1. L

    Sexism-Is this article true?

    There's more but I stopped. It's long enough as it is. If you want the rest of it, just ask.
  2. L

    Sexism-Is this article true?

    Women Just Don't Respect Men. They think men are idiots and should be manipulated. I hear women make 'dumb men' jokes all the time. They think it's just HI-larious to rip men apart in private; they get so much satisfaction from it. As I pointed-out, they like being bigots. If a man is present...
  3. L

    Sexism-Is this article true?

    I will never hit a woman. But, I'm supposed to think it's okay when a woman hits me. Ever noticed that when you go to a movie there are three gender-combinations in which fight-scenes are considered 'tolerable' by the audience? 1. When a man hits another man. 2. When a woman hits another...
  4. L

    Sexism-Is this article true?

    Equality in the Workplace? Don't bet your life on it! Women have fought a commendable battle to win 'equality' in the workplace... and the workplace is far from equal. Realize this: women swear that they are just as capable in the workplace as a man... yet they also swear up and down that...
  5. L

    Sexism-Is this article true?

    Sexist Warfare. Get ready to die for the womenfolk, boys. It's expected of you. There was a time in the U.S. when a man could get conscripted (drafted). That's when you have to go into the military, or else they'll throw your butt in jail if you don't have a valid excuse (or parents...
  6. L

    Sexism-Is this article true?

    Sexist Media. Bend-over, boys... here it comes again! One can interpret all sorts of subtle male-sexism embedded within tv programs or movies... you can claim that the cartoon Dennis the Menace is sexist because it's all from Dennis' point of view, and Dennis' neighbor Margaret is a total...
  7. L

    Sexism-Is this article true?

    If you think that the law tries to be fair- I personally know a bunch of good, honest, NICE men who have been totally screwed-sideways by their vindictive ex-wives (not 'screwed' in the good way, mind you) because divorce laws automatically puts men at a disadvantage... My friend Artie, he's a...
  8. L

    Sexism-Is this article true?

    There is such a thing as female-chauvinism... and it advances-forward under the banner of 'ekwalitee'. There are TWO sexes. Therefore, sexism can go TWO ways. (Such a bloody simple idea, and yet it seems to elude the female grasp.) I am convinced that almost all women in America are totally...
  9. L

    Sexism-Is this article true?

    I want your opinions on this, to clarify whether you agree or not. It is very long but I think it's worth reading. The scary thing is...I believe what he is saying. Article: Guys, this one is long. I'm going to point-out only a fraction of the whole pile of sexist bull**** that women...
  10. L

    Read this.

    Just read all about his ex gf. Wow, what a manipulative psycho and she was responsible for writing "rules" for dating. No wonder why the women race is ****ed up. They're following advice from damaged goods. Yea, I think most of what he says really sums it up for the majority of females.
  11. L

    Read this.

    Here is what he wrote about American women in one section of his site. SO true: Women do NOT like AFCs. They do NOT. Never have, never will... at least not until after they've been battered to hell and back, of course. But sure, women don't only go for *******s... they also like money, too...
  12. L

    Read this. All men should read the whole site.
  13. L

    Prom/Summer Soon ! PLEASE HELP!

    Ask her before someone else does! You'll regret not asking her more than if she just says no to you.