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  1. S

    Women With Big Butts

    Most black guys like their women built like the girls in this vid. With thick not fat asses like the girl at the end of the vid.
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    What is a real (H)ot(b)abe? huh?

    Your contradicting yourself. You're acknowledging that guys like good sized t & a then saying that the ass has to be small relative to the tits. Disproportioned figures aren't sexy to me. I believe the hourglass is preferred-that is equally ample t & a. Also I know quite a few guys who actually...
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    Question about virginity...

    Interesting perspectives. In all honesty, if a woman is into you it shouldn't matter. Would a 23 year old virgin woman be a turn off to you guys(assuming she's willing to have sex with you)?
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    How do you know what number an HB is?

    From what I gather , no normal natural girl is a 10. You say models and actresses i.e people that have had cosmetic surgery- even just porcelain veneers. Women that have the money to wear the best clothes, make-up to give the illusion of perfection. Carmen Electra is hardly what I'd call a...
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    Take a look at this pretty angel

    I swear some of you are plain racists lol. That girl is no less than a 7. What's breast size got to do with hotness, especially now that anyone can get implants. The two blondes aren't pretty imho ,certainly no more so than the latina(?) girl.
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    Face or Body

    What if a woman keeps herself in shape. Eats right and exercises but just happens to have small boobs. Would her body be considered unattractive?
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    Not attracted to Black girls....

    I find your post disturbing on many fronts. For one you say you 'stand out as not just being a black dude'. What's wrong with being purely black? What would be so 'terrible' about looking this way? It's attitudes like yours that help perpetuate the idea that black people (especially women)...
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    Hottest woman in the world

    If you want to talk about facial beauty. Lashontae Heckard Better than both the french chick and Adriana Lima imho.
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    Hottest woman in the world

    What's the obsession with stick thin. Adriana Lima is attractive but definitely NOT the hottest woman in the world in either face or body(very nice hair though). IMHO these ladies are very hot although not necessarily the prettiest. Melyssa Ford...
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    HB9-10s are easier to number/kiss/f*ck close

    From your post you are just as guilty of overrating looks. Trust me there is no woman on this planet that EVERYBODY stops what they're doing to look at:rolleyes: You talk as if model chicks don't wear make up/dress up e.t.c like other women. Anyway isn't beauty in the eye of the beholder...
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    Hot Chicks lack friends?

    Is it me or has anyone noticed that very good looking women tend to not have alot of friends. Guys and girls. I've noticed that HB 6-7s have the more male friends than the HB9-10s. Also beautiful women are usually unaccompanied. Why is this?
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    21 yr old virgin

    BTW, I think guys have the upper hand on the size issue because no one can determine your penis size without intimacy, whereas for us ladies our breast size is on display.
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    21 yr old virgin

    Hi. I'm in exactly the same boat as you except I'm a woman. I'll be 22 next month, I've not kissed in years and I'm still a virgin. I feel so insecure in the company of others(guys and girls) and as much as I try to be sociable, I become very quiet in the presence of people except my close...