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  1. F

    How to keep gf interested (please respond)

    Man the girl is waiting for u to make a move. There are very few girls who will take ur hand walk u to the side and start making out. She wants u to be the man and Kiss her or more. She is probably the one thinking to herself that u rly dont like her.
  2. F

    She called me "sexed b!tch"

    Dam it sounds like your in the "zone"..she feels too comfrtable with you...your just a good friend to her who she can talk like that too. Now unless this girl is a total slut than it might mean she wants u to F_U-c_k her brains out.
  3. F

    Sexual Problem

    Hello everyone. First of all I would like to thank everyone on this website that helped me in the last year. I went from never ever having a girlfriend to having sexual relations with a 6 two 7's and two 8's, all within 6 months. Now that i have the "getting the girl" part down, here comes...
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    I Need help guys!

    okay so basically what i got to do, is make her jelous...but still spend time with her....well thats how i got her to like me in the first place :P
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    I Need help guys!

    anyone else got a different approach or dose everyone agree?
  6. F

    I Need help guys!

    okay thx ohio, if i understand correctly dont give this girl attention? like calling her or talking to her on msn, but when i do get with her keep flirting and try to progress things? okay got it, this puts my mind a little bit at ease
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    I Need help guys!

    Hey everyone, a while ago i posted about this girl i liked...who only saw me as a friend. Now after taking many advices and using some of the techniques learned from this forum and almsot a year later this girl tells me she likes me. We kissed ( not made out), and spend some great time together...
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    Ned Help BIG time

    hi thx for the replies, but jsh...I dont want other girls, only her :woo:
  9. F

    Who are your role models?

    lol i cant belive no one has mentioned a true don juan, Johnny Depp :D, he is awesome
  10. F

    Ned Help BIG time

    Hi everyone, I hope some one could help me out with this girl problem. Well first of all i know her for about 3 years we are good friends, but not good enough that we act like complete goofballs around eachother. Maybe its the Sexual tension? I dunno, and about a year ago i told her i liked her...