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  1. A

    How to handle this?

    dude- i'd back off. theres something called social ettiquette where i live. i've had a gf for 7months and although im no DJ, i know how frustrating it is when guys start hitting on her.
  2. A

    too far.

    thanks for the advice guys i didn't contact her and its been say 3 days already.. hopefully shes got the idea already... =)
  3. A

    too far.

    the problem is, shes got a lot of friends.. so if she takes it the wrong way (would she?) then all her friends would start to think of me as a a**hole or a player.. and my chances with alotta chicks from her school wld just drop..... n i don't want her to think i led her on.. (should i even...
  4. A

    too far.

    scene: social chick: random girl (has connections to lots of people in my school and my other chick friends) what happened: picked up, (she sorta came onto me as well), dirty dancing.. eg. leg between her thighs. danced for too long. after the social, she was holding hands n leaning on me...