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  1. D

    Putting someone in the hospital, is it right?

    As a rule, if you don't get caught doing it, do WHATEVER makes you feel good. On a different note, do not get hung up on one ***** as most people will tell you. You are puting a little too much stake on this one girl who is NOT perfect, remember that.
  2. D

    How to get the guy to call instead of email

    Hypothetical games suck so much.
  3. D

    WEIRD experimental "colorgenics"

    It seems correct for me. Well, it's very correct, and from reading Viru's one, it seems like this is a bit like a horoscope. Althought I would not apply a lot of what I read in his profile, there are parts I can share. Here is mine fyi...
  4. D

    For Men Who Strongly Dislike Feminism (British and Canadian men please read this)

    I'm not really going to get into the whole evil feminism/good feminism debate, but I will attest to some of its influence. At my Uni, literally EVERY girl you talk to has taken "feminist studies" or a few courses from that area. Now I can't really predict what impact it may or may not have on...
  5. D


    From my expereince Ok, several things. It sounds like you may be fighting more then one guy at a time, not clear really. Well the best way to take care of that is to simply taunt them into fighting one on one. Worked 90% of the time in my experience. Also, do this before the fight breaks out...