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  1. F

    What would you do?

    TillTheEndOfTime - everyone is damaged goods.. but thats a pesimistic way of looking at it. everyone is unique.
  2. F

    What would you do?

    Im interested in this girl. This girl is interested in me. We only ever see each other at parties our friends organise. BUT - as her friends say.. she is like a REALLY BIG onion.. she has layers.. a f*ckload of them before you can get to the centre.. and i would say its because she has...
  3. F

    comfort for the AFC omega male....

    I don't think we need to comfort the AFC anymore.. i think the AFCs are already too comfortable. I always thought the point of the DJ was to be happy and fulfilled in all aspects of life. A true DJ is great with girls and great at what he does - whether its take out the trash or being a...
  4. F

    My family seems to be an obstacle

    To not have a girlfriend until you've finished your degree is just not cool dude.. having a girl is normal and natural. If you want a girlfriend go get one.. don't let your parents hold you back (although i think deep down inside they want you to get a girl). And most importantly - STOP BEING...
  5. F

    This girl just gives me mixed signals

    dude, she kept coming back and asking u to dance after u snobbed her.. im pretty sure she likes u sounds like a case of 'treat em mean keep em keen'.. and i think it worked.