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  1. M

    Evil Women (Ranting & Raving)

    I have come to the conclusion with all of my failures with relationships that women are seriously evil. This is about the lamest cop out statement that I have ever seen. Women are not evil stupid. Don't blame your frustration at not being man enough to attract a woman into your life...
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    6 Month Aniverary Coming Up

    I can't believe that you actually read the bible and still are acting this way!
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    6 Month Aniverary Coming Up

    I agree. This guy is stupid. He thinks he can actually buy a womans love. Can anybody say what a Trick! 6 months makes it a serious relationship just because this guy has bought her expensive gifts already? What a sucker. What a maroone. I do hope she doesn't get bored since he has been...
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    exs as friends - guide me master Don Juans

    anyway, we are still friends, this is my first friend who is an ex normally I just write them off, delete the memories and never see them again, but 4 years of hanging out seems a bit of a waste so I'm going to try the friends thing first. WTF!!! ARE YOU INSANE???? LET HER GO MAN...THERE...
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    Subtle Hostility - Sign of Lingering Interest?

    LOL, our already dating 2 other girls and you want to put this thing in your back pocket? Can I ask you why? Why would you want to bring that thing back into your life. Are you a sucker for drama. She sounds like a drama queen. The world must revolve around her and her drama...
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    Fell off the bandwagon - Ex G/f

    I have just one question. With all of that time for Soccer/Vball/ and the gym...why are you not just doing the boot camp and meeting lots of women to take your mind off of your ex???? This is something that has always intrigued me about some of the guys here. They get dumped and they...
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    How do I take my mind off a girl?

    For god's sake read the bible and start a personal boot camp. Jesus ********* It's really not all that hard. Come on people! This will save questions like this from being asked!
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    It's over and I'm crushed.....

    It will pass. Trust me on this. She is probably moving in on or have moved in on another male since you've left. I would bet money that she started with the new one before you even left. Why, cause she didn't want to be alone and isn't interested in a long distance thing. She...
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    field report - date went well. or did it? what next?

    Ok let's start at the beginning: 1. You expect her to take her ad off after one date? Are you serious???? Please tell me your joking!!! 2. You didn't bother to call her after the date???? And you expect her to be ok with that???? PLease tell me your joking here also. 3. You called...
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    just lost my father to cancer

    She might be afriad to re-open that door with you. It probably hurt her as much as it hurt you to break up and she might of shut down her heart. By expressing grief she might be afraid of caring about you again.
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    DJ'ing and the art of communication?

    Como Vai! Esto Beem.
  12. M

    Playing the game?

    Well it looks like it's too late to correct you, since you went over there at her beck and call and actually bought her a meal. Can you say TRICK! That is what she just made you into, her trick. She is f*cking her boyfriend and keeps you on the side when he is to busy for HER. And to...
  13. M

    my gf kissed another guy - update

    Yeah I do have some thoughts on this version of the story and your buying it. Can you say : SUKA!!!! But it's cool. When I tell stories like that to women, they want to believe in me so bad that they actually believe my bull**** stories. So I know where your coming from. You...
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    Stuck with a HB. Need a break up tip.

    This woman needs professional help. You claim she hurts herself due to her love for you? Ok that is emotional blackmail and you need to get away from her real quick. Don't fall for the "I'm going to kill myself" shyt either. If she takes it to that level notify someone who can get her...
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    Stop, Hold On, Everybody Listen!!

    The only reason you should be calling her is to set up a coffee date or meeting. The days of those high schoolish talking on the phone for hours on end are over and done with.
  16. M

    ethical question: how to avoid hurting women?

    i don't fukk a chick on the first date. or second, or third. you don't have to lay her on the first date. I disagree with the above statement. The object is to close the deal as quickly as possible in sales and dating. In sales to drag out the closing could cost the sale. In dating...
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    Question PuertoRican Lover's views!

    This site is like all the other forums out there, full of opinions. You find someone who speaks what you like hearing and listen and learn. The gentleman in question is only giving his opinion on those subjects and his view points from his belief system. I don't see where he needs to...
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    Where should we have xes ??

    Woo Wooo...hold up a minute. Your how old again????? knight56 Don Juan Registered: Jan 2005 Location: texas Posts: 147 Age: 25 25 years old and you want someone else to solve your problems for you and tell you what to do? At 25 years of age????? Ok here is what you do...
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    Ok I read it, didn't like it. I do not like how he writes like some kind of escapee of a chat room dialogue. I hate that reffering to yourself in the 3rd person crap. I couldn't finish the whole post, sorry. And it's not big secret that women are emotional creatures. I'm sorry P.E. I'm...
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    Attitudes, mind-sets, and actions

    I think this poster said it best : "alphawolfx Senior Don Juan Registered: Feb 2005 Location: Posts: 300 Age: The Problem with Pook's posts ...damn I'm on a posting spree tonight. There are a few writers like Pook and Krasus and Photo-1 who have written some incredibly good...