DJ'ing and the art of communication?


Don Juan
Apr 4, 2005
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You know I have been looking on this board for a few months and while the overall concept has been communicated, I have not seen this topic saddressed specifically - Language and communication.
I fully expect to be flamed for this and that is cool, I am not addressing those that speak english as a second language, I am addressing us Americans born and bread and raised in the USA and GRADUATED from our educational system, as wonderful as that is.
It seems to me that the tone of most language in the posts that I see expressed on this site is downright lazy and contrary to the DJ principles. To me the grasp of the english language and understanding of vocabulary is CRUCIAL to meeting women or the type of women that DJ's prefer.
I would say that what most people identify as an HB10 would be completely turned off by the way some people express themselves on here.
Maybe I am confused as I am newer, but I thought that DJ'ing itself was improving the MAN and creating success in oneself. I would think that a grasp of the English language, understanding of the language and knowledge of the language (Spelling) would be critical among them.
Writing, something 90% of us are not good at, is a different topic entirely, but maybe also need to be addressed in relation to being able to communicate our thoughts well.


Don Juan
Nov 4, 2004
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I think communication skills are just as important outside of DJing as they are when you are DJing. I think most guys don't realize just how many opportunities you get during the day to practice them (with co-workers, family, friends) before they decide to approach a woman.


Senior Don Juan
Mar 24, 2005
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Originally posted by RAFCbearfilm
You know I have been looking on this board for a few months and while the overall concept has been communicated, I have not seen this topic saddressed specifically - Language and communication.
I fully expect to be flamed for this and that is cool, I am not addressing those that speak english as a second language, I am addressing us Americans born and bread and raised in the USA and GRADUATED from our educational system, as wonderful as that is.

Consider your nerdy post flamed!!!

Chicks dig cool guys. And your probably are not aware of this since you live in a different reality, but cool guys are not obsessed on perfect grammar.

Your post is only valid if your sending chicks emails.

Originally posted by RAFCbearfilm

It seems to me that the tone of most language in the posts that I see expressed on this site is downright lazy and contrary to the DJ principles. To me the grasp of the english language and understanding of vocabulary is CRUCIAL to meeting women or the type of women that DJ's prefer.
I would say that what most people identify as an HB10 would be completely turned off by the way some people express themselves on here.
You might try talking to 25 HB10's or 9's and I think you might change our opinion on just how intelligent these women truly are. They can make it on their looks, and they usually do. They get guys like you to do their homework for them so that they can spend time with guys like, j/k.

Your 36 so your probably disconnected from the new world language that is growing. If your white and you can speak urban lingo, then chicks will think your hot! Sorry that is the way it is. Nerdy English proffessor types don't get laid by hot chicks.

Originally posted by RAFCbearfilm

Maybe I am confused
I wouldn't say confused. I would say a bit to much on the older side of things and left behind as the following quote from the e-book HOW TO PICK UP CHICKS 2000 will point out that the early 30's is the cut off age on this whole new sweep of things going on in the pick up world:


Before we go any further, we just want to say that this book was written with the Single Male in mind, someone in his twenties to early thirties, and a probable follower of popular culture. We're not talking about popular culture as it originally came about - we're talking about popular culture as it exists today.

Let us explain: Since the early 90's, popular culture has taken a dramatic turn, starting with black culture rising up to take the music industry by storm with rap and hip hop. Performers such as Ice-T, Ice-Cube, and Eazy-E set the stage early on with lyrics rhyming of ghetto life and womanizing. Rap / Hip Hop has been an evolution. Shortly after Ice-T, Ice-Cube, and Eazy-E were on the scene, stars such as Dr. Dre, Snoop, and Tupac emerged. It was about this time that ghetto life and womanizing went truly commercial and rich white kids in Suburbia, USA, watching MTV and buying up CD's, started picturing themselves as living the life of the lives their favorite performers were singing about. Influential songs included Tupac's "I getta around," Snoop Dog's "Gin and Juice," among many others.

As a result of this widespread influence, much of rap and hip hop brought with it a change of values that has been slowly accepted over the years and is now shared by the majority. Those of us who were in are mid teens in the early 90's, now in our mid to upper twenties come 2000, can appreciate this fact. We've seen it and experienced it. We've experienced it in the change of fashions, in the change of social cliques, and in the change of the singles scene.


It's unfortunate but true. And we either must get on the bandwagon or become old and stilted.

Just my $19.95 worth.


Senior Don Juan
Mar 24, 2005
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I'm sorry I forgot to explain one important detail

Above I quoted:


Before we go any further, we just want to say that this book was written with the Single Male in mind, someone in his twenties to early thirties, and a probable follower of popular culture. We're not talking about popular culture as it originally came about - we're talking about popular culture as it exists today. "

And I forgot to add that:


Have you noticed that when (that is if you ever go) your at a night club and they put on that rap music, that most of the hot chicks will get out and dance with or without a partner?

Let's get with the times my friend!

I'm not advocating bad grammar, but minimizing it's importance in getting laid by HOT CHICKS. Maybe the lower and less unattractive equally nerdy ones will care, but not the hot ones!


Senior Don Juan
Jan 26, 2005
Reaction score
Communication skills are more about rapport building, humor and listening.

The lingo you use should be relevant to the scene you are part of age/tribe/location. If it's cool to talk like an english teacher in your circles then great. If not then it probably won't do you any favours.


Master Don Juan
Mar 9, 2005
Reaction score
United States
No one cares about grammar unless you're taking the ACT or SAT.

I even make a joke out of it. I say, "hey they is great!"

her: what? they is?
me: yeah they is! is you great too?
her: haha, yes I is great.
me: we is great.

Joke around with it. Stop being a stiff ass.


Don Juan
Apr 4, 2005
Reaction score
Interesting observation Kerensky, I actually deleted a bit about playing with grammar for fun as I thought it would confuse the issue. I actually do play with grammar for fun, to effect, all the time.
I am old, I admit that, I often get great laughs when I use "ghetto language" for effect in conversation as well. I am a white guy in a white collar job and use C+F EVERY DAY, customers whoever. I am here to learn to try to distinguish between good guy who is constantly perceived as AFC.
Honestly, my impression is that, while popular culture is fine and you can defend it all you wish, experience dictates that trends come and go, but effective conversation and communication will never die. Try to imagine I have my pants dropped about my ankles and hollerin' at the bit**'es YO' but all I am going to get out of it is a larf and not bag the hot B**otch. cause she like won't take me seriously as an educated and interesting dude.
Get the jist?
I would say that I may need to rethink my HB10 scale cause to me the perfect 10 is gonna have a head and body to match.
For the record, I am in sales, I NEED communication and to be understood to make the sale. I use it to make money, I use it to succeed at life, and so far so good. Unless you count the marriage! LOL!


Don Juan
Dec 27, 2004
Reaction score
I took 8 years of english classes
i have FCE and CAE (certificate in advanced english by cambridge university)

however, on this board, i wont write like i was writing a freaking book.. all classy and shyt... it takes too much time

im from brazil btw, and probaly i studied more english them some americans did.. not to mention the certificates


Senior Don Juan
Jul 22, 2004
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In the DYD Mastery Series, which is by far the BEST seminar or program which I've ever listened to, he mentions 5 areas that will
tremendously contribute to your social success and with women:

1) Language (know your language, grammar, vocabulary, etc.)
2) Communication (body language, persuasion, influence, etc.)
3) Sales
4) Marketing
5) Public Speaking (join Toastmasters -

The program is great, I suggest checking it out.


Don Juan
Feb 9, 2005
Reaction score
oh yea?

well im from america and have prolly hit more south american ass than you! SO BOO!

just playin brother :)

I've only had one girl from south america but she had enough ass for like 10 girls, lol.


Senior Don Juan
Dec 31, 2004
Reaction score
Originally posted by arq-dj1
I took 8 years of english classes
i have FCE and CAE (certificate in advanced english by cambridge university)

however, on this board, i wont write like i was writing a freaking book.. all classy and shyt... it takes too much time

im from brazil btw, and probaly i studied more english them some americans did.. not to mention the certificates
Como Vai!

Esto Beem.

Rex Man

Master Don Juan
Jan 18, 2005
Reaction score
First off, the way that we talk on this board probably isn't the wmostay of the guys here talk to girls (I pray not).

Secondly, maybe someone isn't a good typer and doesn't feel like wasting thiry min. responding to a post.

Thirdly (I can count!), I do understand what you mean when you say that communication is essential with women. However just because you know correct grammer doesn't mean she understands what your trying to say.

My 1 cent (I'm in college)