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  1. B

    She says its "I think I've made a mistake"

    Well, she hasn't threatened me with it. I am just saying if I end up being on bad terms with her again, she just might do it to piss me off, like she changed her phone # to piss me off. Women are vindictive. I told her genuinely yesterday that she wanted that guy more becusae he told her...
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    She says its "I think I've made a mistake"

    She called me at 3am becuase we had a typhoon come through. I picked up, talked to her for a little bit and told her I am going back to sleep. She just called me again an hour ago on the way to school but I did not pick up. I told her yesterday I thought she already moved-on even before she...
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    She says its "I think I've made a mistake" This a continuation of "I spilled a beer on her face" thread. So the thread above was about how my ex gf broke up with me because she was not happy with our relationship, when she was the cause of the unhappiness...
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    How do I make up for my teenage mistake?

    I wouldnt say we were close friends. We just chatted online and knew each other through my cousin. After she went to college I never saw her online anymore and I didnt keep her phone #.
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    How do I make up for my teenage mistake?

    Is racism tolerated on forums?
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    How do I make up for my teenage mistake?

    So, lets go back 5-6 year ago when I was still a virgin and only made out with a girl or two. I was a good looking young chap but insecure and was going through a rough time. My older cousins friends, would always come over to our house and swim by the pool on the weekends and get drunk...
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    Anyone ever date a Russian?

    I love russian girls, perhaps becuase I am russian. They are either really pretty, or really ugly.
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    I poured beer in her face

    It was worth it. It cost her 15$ to change her phone # and she said it was the best 15$ she ever spent when I showed up at the restaurant. The beer was the best 5.50+tip I ever spent on her.
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    Using alcohol to help your game

    Alcohol has been a social lubricant for thousands of years.
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    I poured beer in her face

    I feel like I over reacted, I just had my ego crushed and my heart broken, when to her it probably meant nothing and all the tears and I love you's and I need you in my life after we broke up are just BS. I knew I should just walk away, but I have no control over myself.
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    I poured beer in her face

    I just tried to understand from her when I showed up to her work, why would she change her phone number when she hung out with me all weekend and called me the same day. And HOW can someone say they LOVE me, and I am the best thing to ever happen to her and then treat me like that. I little...
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    I poured beer in her face

    You know, I think I had a right to be pissed at her. As someone who has always been there for her and been a 100% true to her and agreed to be civil and stay good friends, I deserved that honesty. I should have walked away from her the first time she lied to me 3 months ago when I was no...
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    F*cking a girl on the first night...and being in a relationship

    Go read my thread. End it. My gut feeling told me something is wrong, my gut feeling told me she is lying about another guy. Even though she would deny those facts, she admitted them all to me later. Plus, this girl sounds crazy, tattooing your initials after a couple of months, I'd freak out.
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    I poured beer in her face

    To be honest, its not the first time I get my heart broken. Even though this feels bad, I already know how to cope with it. I actually started doing more things since I've stopped talking to her, which helps get her off my mind.
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    I poured beer in her face

    You are right, I hurt myself. I saw all the red flags, I kept giving her chances fooling myself, thinking maybe I am just being paranoid and she is a good girl like I thought she was. We agreed to be friends, therefore, she had no reason to keep lying to me over and over again. Calling me 5...
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    I poured beer in her face

    Yea I know. She didn't see me sweat the first few months. Then she knew she had me in her pocket. Instead, I should have just walked away in a calm manner after we broke up 3 weeks ago and not be friends with this chick. I really thought she was a good girl too, she rarely goes out, she...
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    I poured beer in her face

    It was the best 7.50 I ever spent on her.
  18. B

    I poured beer in her face

    have not felt like such an idiot, nor have I been so used and lied to before. Ironically, there is already a thread here about Russian girls. I posted some threads about this chick here before, how couple of months ago after we dated for 3 months, I found out that she went over to her...
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    Girl pulling my chain

    Dated a chick for a while. She breaks up with me because she says she isnt happy anymore, we fight to much, she tells me she is falling for me but she can't be with me because these fights are making it really hard on her to concentrate on other things such as school and work. Keeps calling...