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  1. T

    New Style of Funny

    I wish I had a better example than the one you posted because it is actually pretty effective. Yeah, this has been my style for months. It works great but not everyone can pull it off because they'll end up looking like an *******. You can be in full SF mode the whole time or you'll come...
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    Band Camp taught me one thing about myself, I'm a LONG way from becoming a Don Juan.

    Trust me man, macking in band gets hella easier your junior and senior years. I started the whole Don Juan thing around the time of my sophmore year in marching band and I was sorely disappointed at the lack of women that were interested in me. It was extremley frustrating. This year, only a...
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    I got thrown off gaurd

    Good advice guys but I don't feel like being a hardass as chill put it. I'm thinking of just going through the motions at the pre-Prom meal and pictures but once we arrive I'm just going to try to ditch her. An update on what happened today, I told her best friend's boyfriend that I think she...
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    I got thrown off gaurd

    I'm a sophmore in high school and this weekend I got asked to Prom right at the last minute by a HB9. I thought things were going great and I had her attracted all that jazz until I read something. I read one of her comments to a friend about Prom. She wrote to the friend, "I'm going to Prom...
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    "Three Questions", A Story For AFCs

    No, I wrote the name of it down, it is by a famous Russian author, Leo Tolstoy.
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    "Three Questions", A Story For AFCs

    I was taking the reading part of Kentucky's statewide tests today and come across this story, now at first I didn't look much into it as it was just a meaningless story that I was being tested on, then I read the last paragraph. The story is a lot like the way people act on these boards they...
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    Hair style

    I used to have long hair and got it cut recently, do a search on this board for a topic called "hairstyle" it has about 60 or so replies there is some good haircuts in there and the one everyone talks about is pretty good, I got mine like that.
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    Who are YOU Gaming?

    I almost lost the girl I'm working on right now because a few weeks ago I would listen to her problems, a rare AFC relapse, but last week I told myself to be a man and by the end of the week we were making out in the movie theatre. Up next for us is a drive in movie. I believe this is...
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    I make no sense.

    Whenever I am in some classes, I sit there and try talking to people and make them laugh, I usually succeed at it but there are times when I just ramble basically making no sense. I'm one of the funniest guys in the school whenever I'm on my game. but by the middle of the week and sometimes the...
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    Divine Intervention, Holy F'ing S***

    Today I recieved the greatest news and probably the weirdest. I have learned that my brother and two other people are holding a three way birthday party at our house this Sunday. That seems like nothing but one of these people is best friends with this girl I have been wanting to approach for...
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    Sammo's 8 Week E-course

    I am determined to stick by this man, I won't go out on my word.
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    Sammo's 8 Week E-course

    I have been looking for that one thing that will turn my life with women around, and this could be it, I'm in.
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    Meeting New People

    UltimateScoundrel I like your idea. I think next semester bout 3 weeks away i am going to use that idea to get my confidence up.