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  1. T

    Worried about sex

    Ok, thanks guys (and seabreeze). I think it's going to be fine. Had worked myself up into a state about this and was becoming pretty damn worried, but I think it will be fine. Everything is working absolutely fine so the only problem is psychological. If stuff doesn't work out next time or the...
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    Worried about sex

    I think that's very good advice. When it comes down to it my biggest worry is that I HAVE to drill her hard and good the next time I'm with her otherwise she will lose all interest. I'm sure it will be fine as long as I can relax a bit (am deeply stressed at the moment about th whole thing)...
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    Worried about sex

    Alpine, That is really good advise and will definitely take the pressure off. The only problem is that I know that she is going to expect me to **** her (not unreasonable really). What am I supposed to say when she asks me why I am not trying to ****? I don't think this would be a problem...
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    Worried about sex

    Ha ha! Don't think the amount I will be using is going to move the stock price........ Hmmmm. I just don't like the idea of taking something which potentially has severe effects (heart attacks, stroke, etc) but on the other hand am pretty damn nervous about not performing (it's just so...
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    Worried about sex

    This is a follow up to my 'Sex problems with new girl' post. Ok so I will be seeing this girl again soon. She will definitely be expecting that we have sex (I certainly am). The trouble is that after the problem last time I am really stressed about it. Now obviously that isn't conducive to...
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    Sex problems with new girl

    Cheers guys (especiall new man). It's pathetic i know but this only ever happens with brand new girls. Once i am a bit more comfortable with them i never get this. All down to anxiety I guess.
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    Sex problems with new girl

    Have ordered in the Viagra. Won't need it later on but I want to be able to enjoy these first few times together instead of regarding them as a trial which i will probably fail. The 'jerk off' a few minutes before is a dangerous game. Makes it much less likely that will be able to get it up...
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    Sex problems with new girl

    Good call. I think I will do that. But to be honest because this is a new girl and I don't want her to get bored because of my sexual non performance I think I am going to go for an emergency stop gap solution and just get some Viagra for now. Would anyone advise agains this? I know it has...
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    Sex problems with new girl

    So I am seeing this great new girl. Very hot too. Tonight I had a chance to **** her but oh what a debacle it turned out to be. Everything was going fine - was getting very close to ******* her but then common sense took over and I went to put the condom on. Only (and this has happened...
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    **** up: damage limitation needed

    Thanks guys, You are probably right in that it wasn't THAT bad. It definitely wasn't great though. The post about how if you aren't in control of your emotions it will eventually show through in your behaviour, has a particular resonance to it. Quite honestly the way I reacted to her counter...
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    **** up: damage limitation needed

    Dammit, Girl called me. Talked for a couple of minutes only then I got down to business and tried to set up date. I say, 'So you are free on Wednesday then?'. She dillied and dallied a bit, like 'Yeah ummm I think so, we'll have to see how things go (wtf?)', I don't suppose you can do...
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    When we as men just simply lose interest....

    I think that is very true. I am in pretty much exactly the same situation and it has caused a lot of conflict within me. On the one hand you are not happy and not settled being with this one girl. On the other hand if you give her up you risk losing someone you care a great deal about and who...
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    Just out of curiosity is your current gf the same girl you wrote that ridiculous letter to?
  14. T

    Did I do the right thing?

    I've only been on a couple of dates with this 24 year old HB8. Last date ended with kiss close. I played it pretty cool after that and didn't call her. After a few days she texted me just to say hi. I got in touch with her later on and tried to set up the next date. (By way of background...