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  1. E

    Need Help/Advice/Opinions

    Heh yeah that came apparant to my mind as well, but you see the difference is...she has had a lot of trouble in her life...had some...bad interaction with guys, (rape), and still to this day has to get checked up on, without her parents even knowing it, so if she didn't have those sorts of...
  2. E

    Get her out of your head completely

    Well you're better off trying to hang out first, instead of waiting awhile and then if it doesn't work screw up all that waiting by scheduling something. So always try the seemingly more convenient one before you get yourself into a confusing situation.
  3. E

    Is babyface/dollface bad?

    Hey, at least it's not as complicated as looking twenty two when you're fourteen, friggin beard ;) God it's so confusing at times, I've even gone for some seniors, and succeeded heh...heh...heh...Anyways, I always say being cute is better than being hot, sexy is a different story. Just work...
  4. E

    Need Help/Advice/Opinions

    Yeah...I realized that someone would tell me to follow my own advice. It's hard though, I'm a hypocrite in most situations, and it's nice getting differentiating feedback from different people. The more that's given, the more there is to think about. I just don't know plainly whether or not this...
  5. E

    Did I blow it?

    How about this, when you see her in the hall, give nice eye contact, smile, and use that little upward thrust of the head for a casual greeting, walk towards her, and hold your hand out, ask how school's doing for her, if she's enjoying herself, obviously if she is say you're glad, wish her...
  6. E

    Need Help/Advice/Opinions

    Okay, me and this girl just broke up yesterday. Her reason was "I can't focus on what's important in my life." She has pets, family, friends and school. She takes all honors classes, but at a regular ninth grade level, while I am taking classes that are at least at a sophomore or junior level...
  7. E

    Did I blow it?

    Well I somewhat disagree with that. You can do that, depending on what your personality is. But you don't have to seem like a possible jerk when you attempt to initiate a conversation. Girls love being remembered, so that may very well offend her anyways. On the other hand, you can still sit...
  8. E

    How to tell the difference..

    Here's my biggest tip. Don't worry too much about it. Act cool, show an interest level in which you feel comfortable showing. I don't agree one hundred percent with the tip of acting like you don't care, so what I think is that if she thinks you're interested at all, she may or may not make...
  9. E

    Tried to help an AFC today...

    First of all, I took my time before I began posting to learn some of these terms, AFC is A Frustrated Chump if i remember correctly, you may correct me if I'm wrong. Point being, that's not the point. Anyways. Many men these days can be stubborn enough to either continue thinking about girls...
  10. E

    Get her out of your head completely

    Thank you, I truly appreciate that. I'm always glad to help other people out with their problems, and I think that this forum is the first step to finding my own happiness in life, in the stead of relying on others. Best of luck to you.
  11. E

    My Ephinany, your past CAN dictate ur future

    Yes, but here is my question. What if the person in question, perhaps not yourself, has not had the best past. What if they have had a questionable past, one which when you hear about it you cringe with distaste. Yet, this person seems to have a great personality, is fun, etc, etc, etc. One may...
  12. E

    Get her out of your head completely

    Hey. Know exactly how you feel man, had the same experience just recently, and doing the best I can to do the same. Even though I'm only fourteen, I've had to go through too much mentally, and am quite glad I stumbled along this website. Anyways, there are many things people tell you you can do...