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    Alanxxl Bootcamp Journal

    Week 4 Day 3 Day 3 was definitely the most memorable day of my boot camp so far. I went to a bar in Orlando. I sat at the bar about one seat away from a hot babe (8.5) and her out of shape friend (4.5 to a 5 maybe). When the hot babe left, I started a conversation with the girl I wasn’t...
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    Alanxxl Bootcamp Journal

    If you guys remember from week 3, a new girl has started at my company. Whenever I have bumped into her I have continue to bust on her every chance I get. Judging by the fact she still smiles at me indicates that she must actually enjoy it. Anyway, I was wondering what is you guys take on...
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    Alanxxl Bootcamp Journal

    PuertoRican_Lover, I completely agree with you about expending my social circles. I have definitely become too introverted and perhaps way to focus on my master and my career. I only have one more week before my summer class begins where I am going to have to put together my thesis proposal...
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    Alanxxl Bootcamp Journal

    Day 6 I totally screwed up today. I went outside the house, and I tried to be social, yet I failed to approach any girls. A bad day indeed. Day 7 Today I knew that I needed to rap up two more conversations in order to pass week 3 so yes I felt some pressure. As it is Wednesday, I...
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    Alanxxl Bootcamp Journal

    PuertoRican_Lover, You're right I need to make sure not to let good opportunities slip by. ApocalypseCow2, I wish I had had a good comeback when she told she had a boyfriend over the phone. Day 4 Conversation # 6 A friend of mine invited me to church, so I figure why not since I...
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    Alanxxl Bootcamp Journal

    Day 3 Conversation #3 I was shooting some pool today, and I had brief conversation with the waitress. Nothing special except for the fact she did not charge for my drink. Beyond that I went to the mall, coffee shop, gym and yes there were women, but I failed to approach. Conversation #...
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    Alanxxl Bootcamp Journal

    Week 3 Day 1 This was my final day of class. I saw the girl that shot me down last Sunday, but I had a final exam so I did not get much time to even acknowledge her. Anyway NEXT. Day 2 All right, I’m pretty much done with school for two weeks, so I need to get my act together and go all...
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    Alanxxl Bootcamp Journal

    Day 5 Busy day between work and school. Zero conversations with strangers. Day 6 Another long day with work and school, yet I was able to find a stranger during my half hour break, and I initiated a conversation. Day 7 Well, I do not have any class on Wednesday, so I was able to...
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    Alanxxl Bootcamp Journal

    Day 4 I only did one new conversation with a guy at GNC. In addition, I called the girl in my class and invited her to go a see a movie with me which she agreed, but a few minutes later she admitted she had a boyfriend and things had gotten more serious so yes I got shot down. She said...
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    my bootcamp evolution

    spiegel, I decided to make my own thread, but thanks anyway. As for for the gym, remember to take it easy and do not try to pump too hard as accident can happen and set you back big time. I started working out again after a long break due to a surgery that I had last October. When it...
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    Alanxxl Bootcamp Journal

    BC Week 2 Day 1. I had busy day with work and not much time to begin this week’s assigned readings. The latter part of the day has been quite fun. Instead of going to class tonight, our professor invited the whole class to his home where beers and food were plentiful. I performed one...
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    Alanxxl Bootcamp Journal

    I've been on this website for awhile, and I’ve finally decided that it was time to really go out there and apply what I have learned. After reading what the boot camp was all about, I decided to participate in my own boot camp and see for myself what I can get out of it. I officially kick...
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    my bootcamp evolution

    Spiegel, You seem to be doing well on your boot camp. Based on your posts, I would guess you 've just completed week 3 and about to kick start week 4. Good luck to you. I've personally started week 1 as of 04/14/2005. I easily got the eye contacts to 50, but the hi's were another...
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    Paper and phone numbers

    Thanks for the replies Diablo, StrangeButTrue, Delta Male. Yes I do have a cell phone, but I was under the impression that using pen and paper was perhaps more natural. The one thing that bothers me with the cell phone is when you enter people names as I find it cumbersome.
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    Paper and phone numbers

    Hi guys, For those of you who have practiced cold approaches and get girls phone number. Is there any advise as to what kind of paper you guys carry so that you don't look too obvious? PS. I'm 26 and I have never done cold approaches and performed the number close, but I want to get...
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    What are the best activities to meet women?

    Here is some information about my self. I currently 25 years old and about to turn 26 this week. Through out my life I have mostly been single with the exception of two girl friends during the course of my life. Right now I work a 8 to 5 job where there are no women my age, and I am also...