Alanxxl Bootcamp Journal


Don Juan
Aug 3, 2004
Reaction score
I've been on this website for awhile, and I’ve finally decided that it was time to really go out there and apply what I have learned.
After reading what the boot camp was all about, I decided to participate in my own boot camp and see for myself what I can get out of it.

I officially kick started my boot camp on Thursday April 14, 2005.

Here is week 1 in review.

Day 1
I spent the day studying for my exams and reading the assigned readings.
Eye Contact: N/A
Hi: N/A

Day 2
Places where exercise was conducted: Mall, and went jogging in neighborhood.
Eye Contact: 21
Hi: 03

Day 3
Places where exercise was conducted: Beach, and grocery stores
Eye Contact: 08
Hi: 02

Day 4
This was without a doubt the most memorable day of the week. I went to the gym and started talking with cute girl probably in 7 to 8.5 ranges. The conversation was going well between us. Just as she was leaving the gym I asked for her phone number and she gave it to me. It may not seem like much to some of you, but this was the first time I ever did a number close just after meeting a girl. I know I jumped the gun in terms of the boot camp, but I figured I had nothing to lose.

Places where exercise was conducted: Mall, Campus, Gym, and Library.
Eye Contact: 21
Hi: 17

Day 5
Places where exercise was conducted: Mall, Campus, grocery store, department store, and jogging in the neighborhood.
Eye Contact: Stopped counting
Hi: 23

Day 6
Places where exercise was conducted: grocery store and street.
Eye Contact: Stopped counting
Hi: 05

Day 7
Today marked the end of week 1 and I must say that this boot camp has taken me outside my comfort zone. The eye contact part was fairly simple but the hi part has really forced me to be a little more social. In short, week 1 was definitely a lot more effort and work that I expected.

As for the girl I meet in the gym, I called her but there was no one to pick up, so I will try again Sunday and leave a message before I NEXT her. It was not necessarily a bad thing that she did not pick up as I am in the climax of my spring semester, so I will have more free time in two weeks. Three of my weeknights are shot since I have classes from 6 to 9pm.

Places where exercise was conducted:
Eye Contact: Stopped counting
Hi: Stopped counting

I survived week 1 J


Don Juan
Aug 3, 2004
Reaction score
BC Week 2

Day 1. I had busy day with work and not much time to begin this week’s assigned readings.

The latter part of the day has been quite fun.

Instead of going to class tonight, our professor invited the whole class to his home where beers and food were plentiful. I performed one conversation with my professor’s wife.
Moreover, there is this girl in my class that I have wanted to get her number but for one reason or another I hadn’t had the chance to close deal. Well, this time I went straight to her and pull out my phone and I told to give her number and with a smile she did. For reference, I have been talking and teasing the hell out of her for the whole semester, and she had been giving me lots of signals, so now it’s time to put her to the test.

Conversation: 1

Day 2
Talked with an EB salesman.

Conversation: 1

One thing is for sure, week 2 is going to be even harder. I mean that’s a lot of strangers and conversations.


Don Juan
Aug 3, 2004
Reaction score
Day 4

I only did one new conversation with a guy at GNC.

In addition, I called the girl in my class and invited her to go a see a movie with me which she agreed, but a few minutes later she admitted she had a boyfriend and things had gotten more serious so yes I got shot down. She said “thanks for the offer”. I got flustered and ended saying bye and hung up.

I’m a little pissed off. This girl was about a 7.5-8 in looks but 8.5-9 in personality. Oh man… I tell you this girl had been giving me tons of signals and even one of my friend had noticed it as well. When I asked what she did for fun, she never brought up the boyfriend so I assume she was single.

I guess day 4 was not all that great. On the positive side, I had at least the balls to talk to a girl and more importantly get the number of a girl I was really interested in.

I will bounce back, but man this sucks.


Don Juan
Aug 3, 2004
Reaction score
Day 5

Busy day between work and school. Zero conversations with strangers.

Day 6

Another long day with work and school, yet I was able to find a stranger during my half hour break, and I initiated a conversation.

Day 7

Well, I do not have any class on Wednesday, so I was able to go out and get my last two conversations. I went to the mall, and I talked to two salespersons in the mall.

In short, week two has been marked by many ups and down. The down was obviously being shot down Sunday night which really shows that you can not go by how much signals a girl can give you but rather see what happens you really put them to the test. On the positive side, I feel a little more confident and this Thursday marks the end of the most intense semester.

Well, this concludes week 2.


Don Juan
Aug 3, 2004
Reaction score
Week 3

Day 1
This was my final day of class. I saw the girl that shot me down last Sunday, but I had a final exam so I did not get much time to even acknowledge her. Anyway NEXT.

Day 2
All right, I’m pretty much done with school for two weeks, so I need to get my act together and go all out with this boot camp.

Conversation # 1
I went to Barnes & Nobles and ordered some tea, and I chatted briefly with the person working there. I could have talked some more but out of nowhere people started pouring in, and I had to move on.
I also saw a cute girl studying, but I did not have the balls to go over….

Conversation # 2
Anyway, I was a bit bitter that I still feel uncomfortable doing cold approaches and begin conversations.
I went to a Bar and played darts when some really average girl approached me and asked me if I was some blind date for some other girl which I was not, but maybe I should have played along just for the hell of it. Anyway, I talked with the girl some more. I observed the place and noticed that there was some decent chicks around. Of course, I didn’t approach any of those chicks.

I don’t want to give up on my boot camp, but I feel that I am barely hanging in there.


Don Juan
Aug 3, 2004
Reaction score
Day 3
Conversation #3
I was shooting some pool today, and I had brief conversation with the waitress. Nothing special except for the fact she did not charge for my drink.
Beyond that I went to the mall, coffee shop, gym and yes there were women, but I failed to approach.

Conversation # 4
I joined up with a friend to go riding and he brought along his girlfriend so I talked with her for a bit.

Conversation # 5
After the ride we stopped at the house of one of the guys I was riding with and I saw a cute girl in the kitchen and immediately introduced myself and started a conversation. Too bad she was married…

In the end, I found the cold approach in non-pick up environment very difficult. I have no problem going and starting conversation with girls that are in my class and so forth but those cold approaches sure take a lot of balls.

A rough day indeed for my boot camp with the exception of the evening where I was able to get two more conversations..
Nov 6, 2003
Reaction score
Wisconsin. USA
Good Job on having the balls to ask for her number at the gym - the gym pick-up is a hard one considering that there are others watching you and that if rejected by her you will see her many times again after the rejection.

Take opportunities as they come - don't be so regimented in bootcamp theory as to pass opportunities by!!


Senior Don Juan
Mar 18, 2005
Reaction score
Originally posted by Alanxxl

I’m a little pissed off. This girl was about a 7.5-8 in looks but 8.5-9 in personality. Oh man… I tell you this girl had been giving me tons of signals and even one of my friend had noticed it as well. When I asked what she did for fun, she never brought up the boyfriend so I assume she was single.
A lot of girls know that once they mention that they have a boyfriend, you'll lose interest and stop giving her attention.


Don Juan
Aug 3, 2004
Reaction score

You're right I need to make sure not to let good opportunities slip by.


I wish I had had a good comeback when she told she had a boyfriend over the phone.

Day 4
Conversation # 6
A friend of mine invited me to church, so I figure why not since I had never been to church on Sunday. I talked with various males and females. I’m only going to count one girl as others were either not my type or too old/married.

Day 5
Conversation # 5
I was in the break room at work when I suddenly noticed a new female employee who I must say was pretty cute, but she was a little too young for me I guessed 18-20 years old. Of course, I introduced myself right away. A supervisor came in the break room and destroyed my conversation. Fortunately the girl’s supervisor went away so I was able to resume the conversation.

Conversation # 6
I decided to go to Lowes during my lunch break and see if I could find any girls. It turns out that I only saw a bunch of old ladies and not much else.
On my way back from Lowes I stopped at car insurance and conducted a short conversation with an agent who could hardly stop talking once I had her going.

After work, I went to gym. I must say that there sure was a lot of hot babes at the gym tonight. I did not find any girls that I felt confident enough to just start a little conversation.

Finally, I went to the bookstore to check out what kind of crowd I would find in the evening.

To be honest, I feel that I’m barely hanging in my boot camp. I’m having a hard time to just go over any girls. The sad thing is that I was perhaps a little more aggressive during week one.

The thing that really stops me has been my inability to think of a good opener to start a conversation with any girls I see. Also, I know that I never seem to stay too long in any one location, as I get bored. I mean how long can you stay at a bookstore or coffee place without the people working there noticing you?

One thing that I am particularly happy about the whole boot camp is that I feel I’m becoming much more social and outgoing.

In brief, I just need to grab my balls and do it. Unfortunately it is much easier said than done.


Don Juan
Aug 3, 2004
Reaction score
Day 6

I totally screwed up today. I went outside the house, and I tried to be social, yet I failed to approach any girls.

A bad day indeed.

Day 7

Today I knew that I needed to rap up two more conversations in order to pass week 3 so yes I felt some pressure.

As it is Wednesday, I went to gym for my usual work out. I did not spot and girls isolated or directly in my way to begin any sort of approach.

Conversation # 9
I went to Borders and I notice some decent HB in there. I saw a HB 7 reading a book by one of those bargain shelf. I passed by her the first time and failed to open my mouth. The second time I went by I chickened out again. Finally on the third try I asked if this book was any good. A small conversation followed. I guess she is into business and was trying to find some books to help her out. I wasn’t able to open her up and expand the conversation so I left her alone.

Conversation # 10
After Borders, I decided to head to Barnes and Nobles but after hanging around the place I was disappointed, as I could not spot any girls around my age.
I left the place and I went to a Bar with pool tables. There were a lot more people than what I expected. In there, there were some HBs but nothing exceptional. The music was loud making conversation harder than what it should be. I only had very brief chat if you can even call it a conversation with my waitress and teased for taking so to greet me and ask me what if I wanted anything to drink. I was just playing some darts by myself. I noticed some girls but they were either in groups or with a bunch of guys. At one point a fight broke out between two guys. Now, that was entertaining to say the least.

Week 3 in Review

If I had to rate myself, I would give myself a “C”. I really struggle for this week. The sad part is that the two conversations that I had with girls in week 1 were superior to any of my conversations that I have initiated during week 3.

I have been living like a hardcore introvert for a while and I must admit that switching to extrovert is real challenge to me.

If anyone can recommend some place where people are more willing to socialize then by all means help me out here. I sure can use any help and advise I can get.
Nov 6, 2003
Reaction score
Wisconsin. USA
To meet girls create a bigger and more varied social circles - join a few organizations - whether social, academic, hobby or the feminist movement (just kidding) etc,,,


Don Juan
Aug 3, 2004
Reaction score
I completely agree with you about expending my social circles. I have definitely become too introverted and perhaps way to focus on my master and my career.
I only have one more week before my summer class begins where I am going to have to put together my thesis proposal and the methodology. Back to social circles, I have always been too focused on individualistic sport such as martial arts, riding motorcycle, skateboarding. All my hobbies have not exactly put me in a good environment to meet with the opposite sex. I have heard recommendation on this forum about dancing lessons since it’s always a good skill to have.

Week 4 Day 1
I felt drained from getting out all the time, so tonight I took the opportunity to read week 4 reading assignments. Strangely enough, I felt like going out around 8pm so I went to Borders to study just to be outside the house. I ended up having a conversation with a girl but she was at best a 5.5. The conversation felt very easy with her and I could have easily acquired her number but I chose not to since I could not picture myself with this girl. It’s weird that tonight I wasn’t even trying for a conversation and bam it happened.

Day 2.
Today is Friday so I went to the gym to continue on my training. By the way, I work and 8 to 5pm job so I only have time to conduct boot camp activities late in the evening/night. Anyway, it is interesting to point out that on a Friday at the gym there was probably over 90% male when I got there around 7pm but around 8pm it was close to 100% guys. I guess the girls must be out partying or on some other activities.

For my final Friday adventure I decided to go the Bar/Pool place after 10pm to see who would be there. Of course, the place was packed. I would say the place was about 75% guys with some decent girls. I realized that every time I went to this place for the past week I have focused on shooting some pool or playing darts. There is nothing wrong with having fun but when you are playing I found it harder to wander around and approach girls. Thus, tonight I went to the Bar area and looked around if any girls were looking in my direction. Unfortunately, I did not get to see any girls by themselves or within my age category.

In short today and yesterday were not very good in terms of the boot camp as I still have zero phone number rejection. At this point I feel like I need to re-evaluate the place that I have been hanging around since I started this boot camp. I need to find places where the proportion of girls is higher. In addition, one problem I have with Bars is that it is so loud and difficult to talk…

I need to think fast about good places to get my ten rejections as time is running out real fast.


Don Juan
Aug 3, 2004
Reaction score
If you guys remember from week 3, a new girl has started at my company. Whenever I have bumped into her I have continue to bust on her every chance I get. Judging by the fact she still smiles at me indicates that she must actually enjoy it. Anyway, I was wondering what is you guys take on office dating? I personally do not like the idea too much due to the office rumors and other nonsense… However, I would hate to pass up on an opportunity to get to know her better to see if she is dating material or just evil psycho ***** like my last girl-friend.


Don Juan
Aug 3, 2004
Reaction score
Week 4 Day 3

Day 3 was definitely the most memorable day of my boot camp so far. I went to a bar in Orlando. I sat at the bar about one seat away from a hot babe (8.5) and her out of shape friend (4.5 to a 5 maybe). When the hot babe left, I started a conversation with the girl I wasn’t interested. Unfortunately, when the hot babes came back they left so my plan to engage the hot babe seemed to have failed or so I thought…
A few minutes later three girls came in and sat right next to me. I started talking to the one right next to me, but I had forgotten about the other two, so they got a bit jealous. I immediately started to talk to all three, which is an important lesson that I have learned tonight. You simply cannot ignore the other girls in a group or there will be hell to pay. These girls eventually left the bar, but none of them were really girls that I would consider my type, so I did not bother to ask for any of their phone numbers.

To my surprise, just as the three girls left, the hot babe that I mention before returned and sat just a seat away from me. Apparently, she had been outside the whole time smoking with her friend. This time, I took the opportunity to approach her and good conversation followed. I used a lot of C & F on her but the fact that she was drinking helped a lot, as she wasn’t as sharp as she could be. By the way, she initiated kino first so I don’t if it’s a good thing or not. I mean shouldn’t I be the one to start kino anyway?

Fast forward about an hour and the hot babe and her friend were doing shots then she asked me if I wanted one too. I told no thanks and said:
“Are you trying to get me drunk?”
She replied with:
“Yes, so I can take you home!” Whether she was joking or not I thought that was funny.

Anyway, it was starting to get late, so I told the hot babe that I had to get going and grabbed my cell phone and told her to input her number for me. She did just that and then she called her self from my phone to make sure she gave me the right number.

From what I have been saying so far, it would seem like things are going smoothly with the exception of some big issues in my book. After I got her number, I went to the bathroom. On my way out of the bathroom I spotted a guy going other to the hot babe real fast and getting her number too and just like she did for me, she did the same procedure.

On that I went home. I told my brother in law what had happened to me tonight, and he was pissed off and told me that I better go back to the bar as this girl should have been mine especially after her comments when she was ordering shots. I figured that I had nothing to lose and came back to the bar. I spotted the hot babe and to my horror she was sitting with that other guy who got her number after I left. I grabbed my balls and went to where they were sitting and started talking with the hot babe’s friend as the hot babe was at this point completely drunk and wasted. The guy decided to leave and the girls went with him and at this point I didn’t really feel into the game as I was breaking new ground and I’m not used to the bar scene.
The hot babe did not go in the other guy’s car to my relief. Instead her friend was going to take her home so I walked them to their car got my hugs from both girls and left.

To be honest, I don’t know if I made the right decision to go back to the bar as my brother in law suggested but only time will tell.

Since I got this girl’s phone number on Saturday I will call her Wednesday. Also, because she had been drinking I wonder how much she will remember of me so in the event that she doesn’t pick up the phone I will leave a brief message reminding her where I meet her and all that good stuff. In short, I would classify this girl as party animal you know those 22-24 years old girls who are out just for fun.

One last thing about me. I don’t think I would have went to the girl’s place as I don’t approve of taking advantage of girls when they have too much alcohol. This is just plain wrong to me.

Week 4 Day 4

This was mother’s day so I really didn’t do much in term of boot camp. I’m beginning to feel tired from going out so much…

Week 4 Stats:
Conversation 6
Rejection for phone number: 0
Phone number acquired: 1
Nov 6, 2003
Reaction score
Wisconsin. USA
Originally posted by Alanxxl
Fast forward about an hour and the hot babe and her friend were doing shots then she asked me if I wanted one too. I told no thanks and said:
“Are you trying to get me drunk?”
She replied with:
“Yes, so I can take you home!” Whether she was joking or not I thought that was funny.

Anyway, it was starting to get late, so I told the hot babe that I had to get going and grabbed my cell phone and told her to input her number for me. She did just that and then she called her self from my phone to make sure she gave me the right number.

From what I have been saying so far, it would seem like things are going smoothly with the exception of some big issues in my book. After I got her number, I went to the bathroom. On my way out of the bathroom I spotted a guy going other to the hot babe real fast and getting her number too and just like she did for me, she did the same procedure.

On that I went home. I told my brother in law what had happened to me tonight, and he was pissed off and told me that I better go back to the bar as this girl should have been mine especially after her comments when she was ordering shots. I figured that I had nothing to lose and came back to the bar.
You shouldn't have gone back to the bar - be careful with this hor!! She is not yours!! She is everybody's hor!!!