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    How to make a transition from Fluff Talk

    Wow thanx microphone and raptured phoenix, that is very helpful. I think I know now how to do it. :cool: Time to practice more.
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    How to make a transition from Fluff Talk

    Personal Journal? What the heck is that? and if a personal journal=diary, wouldnt the girl be freaked out to know i am writing this?? what?? i dont understnad
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    How to make a transition from Fluff Talk

    I have read some articles on on fluff talk and stuff. What fastseduction says is that any guy can ask a girl, Hey how have you been doing, or what are your hobbies. So you have to ask questions to girls about their feelings. So what I do is try it on a HB8 i meet, start...
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    Does ethnicity matter for girls?

    Hmm... you do bring up an interesting point. Ive heard a lot that girls dont focus on your looks, but really, I think girls are more focused on looks than we think. For example, I had a friend named Greg who I asked a big favor for. There was this girl I liked and I asked Greg to message her...
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    Does ethnicity matter for girls?

    So your saying that girls do have a racial preference? Like how much? Im saying this because Im having trouble even getting the first date. I dress neatly, (J Crew, AE etc) and gel my hair, deoderant. And I have been very confident, enough so that girls sometimes tell me that im a perfectionist...
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    Does ethnicity matter for girls?

    And yes, for those "look at other posts" people, I have taken look at that Does ethnicity play a big role post and all the replies just talk about men and their preferences about girls and the occasional arguer and people flaming others as racists. I could give a crap about what men think about...
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    Dealing with reputation

    High school popularity is pretty much what determines whether girls go for you or you go for girls.
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    Is your high school reputation worth the damage?

    Alright guys, I dont want to sound negative or anything but I need some help. For people who go to high school (im assuming yall do) you pretty much know the effects of reputation. Popularity is a key issue in high school, especially if ya want girls. But the thing is, I know lots of people who...
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    What did I do wrong? Should i not tell funny stories about myself?

    Thanks for the reply guys. But I have a question to the person who said that i should have stepped up from the first level kino (like hugging, kissing etc) How do I though? I mean i can easily do simple kino like touch shoulder and stuff for jokes and stuff, but I dont no how to make the step...
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    What did I do wrong? Should i not tell funny stories about myself?

    Alright, I need help, where have I gone wrong? I met this girl named melanie at a journalism camp (yes i know kinda geeky, but hey, theres TONS of hot girls) The camp was only for one week, and all my friends said they were going all hookup with girls, so i said sure why not. As a result...
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    Should I use neg hits on height?

    Thanks for all your replies. Some of those height neghits are good, but i think i might not do neghits on height unless she brings it up.
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    Shampoo type?

    Alright, i know shampoo doesnt really have a huge effect on girls, but what shampoo do you guys use? I use patene pro -V because thats the only one i pretty much know and i want to try some new types. I have really straight hair, so does anyone have any recommendations?
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    Should I use neg hits on height?

    I have a question, I know this girl from my old high school who I just recently met again. She once told me that she thought she was short (she kinda is, shes only 5 feet), and me, being the niceguy, told her, "aww, dont think that, I dont think your short...." yuckkkk. Anyways, i know that...