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  1. S

    Finally! All this has paid off.

    HaHa yeeah. That got me up out of my chair cheering out loud. Good Job!
  2. S

    weird stomach when it comes to fat

    What do your meal plans look like? Remember the old saying, "abs are made in the kitchen, not the gym"
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    Creatine and Acne

    I used creatine when it was new to the general public back in highschool when my skin was quite acne prone and I use it now when I still have to take precautions to keep my acne in check. I have never had any problems with creatine causing acne. I have heard people who have felt that it did...
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    How often to work out?

    Right. Bent-over rows are also a good back excercise for over all growth
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    sex and working out

    Well the reason I started working out was for the ladies, so to not have sex would completely defete the whole purpose of working out for me. If your concentrating on not having sex, I'm sure you will lose your motivation for lifting very soon.
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    How often to work out?

    FBGangsta, I combine the same muscle groups as yourself and work out the same days as you. Monday, Wednesday, Friday. If you weren't seeing any gains working out 5 days a week you were probably over training. 5 days a week for myself is definitely way too much. My body needs more time to...
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    Gains leveling off

    Sometimes the best thing you can do if you have been working out consistently for a few months is to take a break from working out. I know it's hard to do, but try taking a 2 week break from lifting. This will give your muscles time to recuperatefrom the past months. during your break you will...