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  1. O

    Don't be alone on a Friday

    I've already try going out places by myself. Going out alone isn't fun as going out with your friends, especially on friday night. I have two real good friends, but I stopped hanging out with those fools because all they wanna to do is get drunk every weekend. I don't rely on them to have fun...
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    William Hung is the ultimate DJ, only he doesn't know it

    I always wonder about this myself. Does rock star status makes ugly guys look more desirable? Look at all these skinny crack heads in rock bands with super model girlfriends.
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    Reason i'm not confident around women

    I'm not circumsized and it sucks. I have to clean it everyday (i get nasty white **** around the head area) with soap, no matter how ofter i wash my d!ck, this "cheese" smell always comes back within an hour. I've heard that cut guys can last much longer because the head isn't sensitive. I...
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    People on

    I guess alot of girls really dig for gayish looking pretty boys. I've noticed that big, buffed out guys with average face are getting mid-7's to low 9, but justine timberlake clones (skinny, have pretty face & hair) are getting mid 8's to high 9's. Are these guys voting for themselves or what...
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    The Alpha Male, and changing my role.

    All blacks can talk about is their "10" inch penises. I'm aware that he's (and most blacks i know) psychotically delusional. But I have to say, it takes a lot of stamina and denial to maintain a bull**** perspective for as long as he has. Even my sisters told me that anything over 7 inch would...
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    AFCs doing better than DJ

    WTF? This major nerdy AFC stole my target. I've been wanting to hook up with this cute hindu chick in my history class, but b!tch is already sitting together with the AFC, today i saw them leaving together after class. I saw this guy in action, all he does is smiles like little chump, dresses...