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  1. Z

    The handshake

    You don't, you lightly take her hand and turn it so the back of her hand is facing up then bring it up and kiss it, make sure you don't slobber on her but make her know your there.
  2. Z

    Is it possible to win a girl back over?

    Hey no worries, same thing happened to me. A bunch of people went on a ski trip and she was all over this guy, i don't know what came over me but we got in a big fight. But a few weeks later we were back to flirting and what not, so just keep your chin up.
  3. Z

    Am I crazy?

    Well ya see, the only thing I really like to do is like have the chase or like the period when you try to get the girl. Then pretty much after that I find the chicks annoying and what not, I mean I'd still tap that a$$. So is it wrong to love the chase then stop.
  4. Z

    Need help DETRACTING a girl

    Gah I know this is off the subject and stupid but everyone keeps saying AFC and I still don't know what it is, and I've looked everywhere trying to find out what it means
  5. Z

    Need help DETRACTING a girl

    Well I've never been in that posistion but if I were you I'd tap that thang then put her down gently so she doesn't like key your car or anything. Just be like " I'm sorry baby, but you're just to good for me and it's killing me knowing that I could never have you so I gotta let you go." or...
  6. Z

    No car No date?

    Well see, I don't have a car to take girls on dates, and I couldn't ask my parents to drive us. So like do any of you have good idea's for dates where you wouldn't need a car?
  7. Z

    Stupid Q. but gotta know

    Well anyway, there is this girl, who is hot, cool, funny, and ect. And I think she likes me and I like her but she's a grade higher than me, would it be a little weird for us two go out with that grade difference?
  8. Z

    umm some quick questions

    Cut down on the phone time. It'll tease her and she'll keep getting eager to see/talk to you when she can. Also when you're on dates you'll actually have stuff to talk about cutting down the awkward moments.
  9. Z

    Quick question

    I read in a mag. that if you jack off before you go over you'll time before you lose it will last longer plus your jewels will need time to make some more goo. So just do it at your house or bathroom or something then let her jack you off.
  10. Z

    avoiding awkward moments

    Just take the time to compliment her on her dress or something.
  11. Z

    girl trouble

    Well at school there is this really hot chick and I asked her out.She told me she would get back to me and it's been a week without her answering. I already asked her if she made up her mind yet and she said no.All I want is a yes or no answer without getting her mad making her say no. What...