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    What should I do next on my journey

    Thanks any more help. Bump
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    What should I do next on my journey

    Well I read alot of articles and part of the HS Bible and I thought I was good to go. Went into the feild stop coming to this site and I was doing good I waas having more fun but now it's like i reverted back into the afc. I'm more depressed and not as good with girls anymore. What should I do...
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    Unexpected Presents

    I have a problem alright I know alot of you say it good to get boners in front of girls and ****. Also when dancing I tend to get a boner and then usually the girl just walks away or just say why would you get a boner from dancing. So my question how do I stop with the boners.
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    Mechanical Animals (Duality): Disposable Teens

    This kind of posts are really opening my eyes thanks u guys really much. Now I can turn around my last to years of high school for the better.
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    The Seducer’s Diary (Duality): Monster’s Inc.

    bump for the bible. Good read can't wait for rest of the series
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    _Question: Why are we scared?

    I bwleive men are scared because society has made getting rejected into a big deal. Men are afraid that they will get rejected on not be able to please. Men put women higher up then what they really are. They are human just like us so some guys got to get over it. By men I mean some men not all
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    Richard Cory

    it basically means that things my seam all fine on the outside but their not really. He was too afraid to talk to others and they were to scared to talk to him since they beleived he was better then them when he really wasn't. So he had nothing to live for so he ended his life.
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    Richard Cory

    I read da in english before
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    My mandatory great post after exactly a year/500 posts

    J kwon is the best one hit wonder rapper. I thought daa was going b chingy but jjwon kilt on da one hit:p
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    Does she like me, and is shy, or does she dislike me, but why why why?

    I'm a noob ur a noob so read da bible. I didn't read it all but kind of looks like oneitis
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    What should I do

    Today me and my dad got into an arguement and I told him a I hate him but not just playin around like really hurtful and mean I really regret it now. But now my dad is lik avoiding me and depressed and ****. Since I'm his first born child I don't know think he'z taking bad since he scrafisted so...
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    It's working...kind of

    Which bible would be better to read da HS bible or DJ Bible.
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    :eek: that opened my eyes in a new light. If I can take this into a professionally sense then I will establish more freedom. Got a little bit ahead today. Left house @ 11 came home around 5ish mom didn't say a word and i told here I would be @ my friend's crib for a hour
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    ight thnx for all you guys help. i guess I will talk to them maybe on my birthday since it's commin soon. And I'll be 16 so I guess I'll have a little talk with them. I got a few weeks to prepare. Also I found it is always hard for the oldest child cause were the first child and parents become...
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    16 year old need help with parents

    I need some help. My parents are very over protective of me and don't trust me. I've been on what my friends call Lock Down all my life. I'm getting tired of it. I can go out sometimes depending on the time but most of the time I don't ask cause they usually say no. My mom is more lient then my...
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    I need some help. My parents are very over protective of me and don't trust me. I've been on what my friends call Lock Down all my life. I'm getting tired of it. I can go out sometimes depending on the time but most of the time I don't ask cause they usually say no. My mom is more lient then my...
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    Highschool DJ contact list ressurected

    JCash da kid
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    How long do you think it will take to become succesful at djin not a Pua but close to one. Or just succesful with life and women
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    Found this interesting....

    lol what forum is that from