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  1. L

    What does she want?

    What I was looking for is someone to tell me what this Fat biatch is doing. The way I look at it I need someone to tell me what she is doing. If she is doing something underhanded then I need to learn to see it in the future if she is telling me HB wants me then I am going to go for it. I...
  2. L

    What does she want?

    Oh No dude I did not mean to come off that way. I just lost it with that one troll. I do appreciate you other guys who replied to me.
  3. L

    What does she want?

    Will somebody please help me out with this?
  4. L

    What does she want?

    Yeah Bro real fuxking informing u dixk!!! I am not the person who made the contact. Da Bitxh knew if her friend wanted to talk to me from the beginning. She is playing games with me and I want to know why. Now go back to shoving tennis balls up your axx and quit crapping on my post bitach.
  5. L

    What does she want?

  6. L

    What does she want?

    Ok I think this is an interesting game and I WANT to figure out what this biatch is playing. So help a brother out. One of my boys saw Fatty at work the other day. He asked what was going on with Hottie. Fatty said that Hottie is seperated and it was her husbands idea to leave. So Fatty says...
  7. L

    What does she want?

    I would face her myself but I have no way of getting a hold of her...
  8. L

    What does she want?

    Ok first off this married woman was doing some major flirting with me etc was crazy about me etc. I don't see the married woman for a month then she calls me tells me to start calling her etc. I say ok we get off da phone. I wait a while then call her all of a sudden out of the blue for no...
  9. L

    What does she want?

    I don't know why but I am. And I would Love to know what is going on here. Can somebody tell me?
  10. L

    What does she want?

    Check this!! I met this chick and I was trying to get wit her but she was married. But I tried anyway because her husband was always hating on her. Well I have not talked to her or seen her in a long axx time. No she said the if I was not married Bullshiat I would fuxk you etc etc. So her...
  11. L

    whats with her?

    What kind of woman is this? Is she worth pursing? This woman at work I want to bang. She is kind of quiet. When she started she said that she keeps to herself and doesn't talk much until she gets to know people. Well she seems like a woman with low self esteem. I almost run into her and she is...
  12. L

    Strange Woman At Work >>>>

  13. L

    Strange Woman At Work >>>>

    Ok so this is not weird behaviour for a woman? Is she shy or have low self esteem?
  14. L

    Strange Woman At Work >>>>

    I need some insight into what is wrong with this woman!! I think she may be interested but maybe not. I would just ask her out but I am a little worried about what is wrong with her. She start working where I do about 3 or 4 months ago. I noticed she wore a wedding ring, but I was told she...
  15. L

    Please Help LONG

    I should be
  16. L

    How Long does interest level last?

    Well both of our birthdays are next month "March". So would this cause her to want to talk to me? Last time I seen her it was christmas eve and she asked how I have been and I just gave her attitude and kept on walking. So I feel bad
  17. L

    Please Help LONG

  18. L

    How Long does interest level last?

    Square 1????????? dam you mean there will be NOTHING left?????????????? What can I do to try and bring it back?
  19. L

    How Long does interest level last?

    Yes she is still on the market.:D
  20. L

    How Long does interest level last?

    It is Mainly the friendship, I had alot of fun with her. But I would not be upset if we fuxked either.