Strange Woman At Work >>>>


Don Juan
Nov 21, 2003
Reaction score
I need some insight into what is wrong with this woman!! I think she may be interested but maybe not. I would just ask her out but I am a little worried about what is wrong with her.

She start working where I do about 3 or 4 months ago. I noticed she wore a wedding ring, but I was told she is divorced and that she told people that she kind of stays to herself. Well she quit wearing the wedding ring and I am sure she is no longer married . She is 30

Well I really never talk to her. Well one morning I get to work and stand outside until somebody comes to unlock the building. Well one morning she comes up to stand outside it was just me and her and she says something to me I answered her and she kind of looked at me like she was waiting for me to make convo well it was 6:00 A.M. and I am not to talkative at that time so I didn't say anything so then she goes on the other side of this Big post that holds up the roof that we was stading by, it was like she was hiding herself from me.very odd to me............... Now the other day she comes walking up and I am on my cell phone so she does not say anything and I am leaning against one of the 2 posts and I assume she is at the other one well I kind of peek and her she is stading on the other side of this post that I am leaning against. So there is like 2 feet between us but we can't see each other and there is nobody else around nowhere and neither of us are talking so I felt extremely weird!!!! Then break time comes and I am outside again standing by one of the posts talking to another woman I want to bang and this woman comes out and stands a few feet away from me and starts to smoke well of course she was on break like the rest of us so maybe it means nothing. Anyway today we go out on break about 6 of us and she is talking to her friend and I am talking to the rest of the people and I say something and I hear her giggle so I assume she was listening on what I was saying so then we start talking about police scanners "yeah I know tooo00 much info" welll I say something and she butts in and says that we will hear her tommorow on the scanner "she also is a police dispatcher" and that we better not make fun of her. I assume she was listening to what I say and she doesn't really speak and she just jumps in on our convo. Then she is leaving for the day and I pass her on her way out we almost ran into each other I look at her and she will not look at me she just looks at the ground. I noticed that she will look at the ground alot. so whats the deal with this babe? I must find out its like nothing I ever seen before . Does she have some interest in me, is she shy, does she have low self esteem?????
Nov 6, 2003
Reaction score
Wisconsin. USA
Women act like this - ducking and dodging - when they like a guy, also they try to avoid you when they don't like you. I believe in this case she is digging you and is waiting for your approach.


Don Juan
Nov 21, 2003
Reaction score
Ok so this is not weird behaviour for a woman? Is she shy or have low self esteem?
Nov 6, 2003
Reaction score
Wisconsin. USA
How could we tell from your post alone - you are in a better place to judge this - ask her out and find out directly!!

Don Ronny

Jun 27, 2003
Reaction score
She is a classic submissive female and she wants you to take control of the situation. Of course if you are a submissive male then this is not a good match.

You just have to take initiative here. She will not seduce you! Something tells me she is into you though...

Before you even consider DJing her make sure you are able to deal with possible drama of dating a coworker.

Last of all...Listen to PRL. He may be completely insane but his advice is solid.