What does she want?


Don Juan
Nov 21, 2003
Reaction score
Check this!! I met this chick and I was trying to get wit her but she was married. But I tried anyway because her husband was always hating on her. Well I have not talked to her or seen her in a long axx time. No she said the if I was not married Bullshiat I would fuxk you etc etc. So her friend who I also have not been talking to for months also gets a hold of me

Her::: Guess who is seperated now?
Me::: I don't know tell me.
Her::: Bonita and her Husband.
Me::: " I don't say anything."

A week goes by then
Me::: Tell Bonita to come see me
Her::: I will try but that does not mean she will come why don't
you ask her yourself.........

I wait a few days to see if she comes and she doesn't....
Me:::: What is Bonita's phone number and when can I call when
her husband is not there. """ I know the number i was just
testing the idiot.""""
Her::: I can't
Me::: you can't what?
Her::: I can;t tell you her number.
Me::: Why?
Her::: because
Me::: WTF is this some kind of game.
Her::: No Lie they are seperated but she does not want to talk to
you , I didn't know that when I told you.
Me::: Why does she not want to talk to me?
Her:::: I don't know
Me:::: Yes u do so tell me.
Her:::: She does not want to give you false hope.
Me:::: What ****ing false hope??? I want to fucxk her and you
know that so why tell me they are seperated? Is she
going to give me a chance?????
Her::: No she is not going to give you a chance she is married.
Me:::: I am trying to be her friend thats why I called her.
Her::: When did you call her? Did she talk when you called her?
Me::: It was months ago. No she didn't talk to me when I called
Her:::: Huh she never mentioned it to me that U called.
Her:::: You never gave her a chance to be just friends.

Now what the fuxk is this mean? I would think she would of known wether or not her friend wanted to talk to me... Is it me or does it seem weird dat da bitach wanted to know when I called, if she talked to me.???..??


Senior Don Juan
Jan 21, 2002
Reaction score
USA, Graduated Already - old screen name!
A likely answer is that her husband and her have reconciled. Often couples must be seperated a year before they can file for divorce - this is because after emotions die down people learn to forgive.

If she intends to remain seperated from her husband...well, it seems that's the question that you should find out the answer to.


Senior Don Juan
Sep 3, 2002
Reaction score
I see something weird in your post... During the convo, you say "I want to fukc her" and two seconds later you're saying that you just "want to be her friend". Dude, wtf is going on with you? And why are you saying dumb **** like "Is she going to give me a chance"? YOU'RE the one giving HER a chance here! If she didn't pick up on the fact that you wanted her number, move the **** on!!! You're not going to get it, and she's not interested.

NEXT -->


Don Juan
Nov 21, 2003
Reaction score
Ok first off this married woman was doing some major flirting with me etc was crazy about me etc. I don't see the married woman for a month then she calls me tells me to start calling her etc. I say ok we get off da phone. I wait a while then call her all of a sudden out of the blue for no reason she does not want to talk to me. then all this time goes by and I get the message she is seperated.

So I am like wtf after all this time why am i being bothered. So I always wanted a chance to be with her and I still do. but I am not sure if those messages are true or not. Maybe I could still be friends with her and be in her life then maybe we could fuxk when the divorce is final, I don't know what do u guys think?

So I thought of sending this message to the womans friend who is sending me all the other messages....

Tell Hottie that I get off work at 3p.m. on saturday and I will wait outside for 10 minutes to meet her so we can get something to eat. This once and for all will show me wether she really had feelings for me and was my friend."both of which she told me".. If she does not show then I will know she was all about games and I no longer want to get messages about her or hear anything she has done or is doing.

IS this message a good idea or what?


Master Don Juan
Apr 21, 2004
Reaction score
no, giving messages to "friends" is a bad idea... no telling if her friend has some sort of agenda of her own... also the girl might think you're a spineless coward who is too afraid to face her in person. Go straight to the girl and confront her head on. If she is not interested, move on, plenty of fish in the sea. So many women, so little time.


Don Juan
Nov 21, 2003
Reaction score
Originally posted by Crank_It_Up
no, giving messages to "friends" is a bad idea... no telling if her friend has some sort of agenda of her own... also the girl might think you're a spineless coward who is too afraid to face her in person. Go straight to the girl and confront her head on. If she is not interested, move on, plenty of fish in the sea. So many women, so little time.
I would face her myself but I have no way of getting a hold of her...

chili kat

Don Juan
Nov 22, 2003
Reaction score
The woman lost interest in you a while ago. Her friend didn't realize. Woman told friend letting you know about sep was a mistake. Hence, woman still has no interest in you.

You're done. Get over it.


Don Juan
Nov 21, 2003
Reaction score
Ok I think this is an interesting game and I WANT to figure out what this biatch is playing. So help a brother out. One of my boys saw Fatty at work the other day. He asked what was going on with Hottie. Fatty said that Hottie is seperated and it was her husbands idea to leave. So Fatty says that Hottie does not want anything to do with me, because it is over between us and I will not let go. So he asks fatty why did she tell me about them being seperated if Hottie does not want anything to do with me. She said I don't know then she said well I wanted to tell him before Jeannie told him.... Fatty said that Hottie does not believe that I can just be her friend without trying for more. He also said that he got the impression that if I proved to her that we could just be friends then she will talk to me again.

1. Fatty tells me that she told be about Hottie being seperated because she thought that Hottie would want to talk to me. Then she tells my friend that she told me because she wanted to tell me before Jeannie told me.

2. Jeannie is a friend of mine who in NO WAY knows Hottie her husband or anybody who knows her family except me. So there is No way Jeannie would of found out!!!

3. Fatty says that Hottie says it is over between us BUT I WILL NOT LET GO. I don't call or bother Hottie at all. I have no clue where she comes off saying that I will not let go.

4. There is no way I believe that Fatty did not know wether or not Hottie wanted to talk to me.....

I love this fuxking stuff its like a mystery game. So what is this biatch doing to me?
Apr 23, 2004
Reaction score
She is madly inlove with you but cannot express herself. You must pursue her at all costs in the name of true love.


Don Juan
Nov 21, 2003
Reaction score
Originally posted by chili kat
You're a restraining order waiting to happen.
Yeah Bro real fuxking informing u dixk!!! I am not the person who made the contact. Da Bitxh knew if her friend wanted to talk to me from the beginning. She is playing games with me and I want to know why. Now go back to shoving tennis balls up your axx and quit crapping on my post bitach.

chili kat

Don Juan
Nov 22, 2003
Reaction score
Originally posted by lovejones
She is playing games with me and I want to know why.
Because you're such an amusing sucker. Why don't you just call this chick and ask what's up? Oh, that's right, NOBODY is giving you THAT information, just the shyt that gets your panties in a wat. Hilarious.


Don Juan
Jan 14, 2003
Reaction score
Maybe you should horse Fatty instead.