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    Jiinx Kino?

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    1 rose for 1 month?

    At first glance I would call it an AFC thing to do, but I was thinking about it - it's not really one of those stupid 'monthly anniversary gifts', its a rather small yet nice gesture. any comments on whether or not I should do this?
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    getting her to return the favor

    hey, my gf and i have been dating around a month and we've messed around and ive gone down on her already and given her a couple of orgasms. i know she's no inexperienced girl, but im wondering why im not getting any from her - she's definitely done things with guys in the past. also her IL...
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    Weekly Discussion Thread #1

    The deeper you are into the friendzone, the harder it can be to escape it, mainly because there is more to jeopardize. What you are trying to do is show her you are not willing to be her emotional tampon, and that you won't be just some guy she can vent to. You need to show her you are a...
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    whats a good girft for a 3 month relation ship

    What the hell is a 3 month anniversary? First off, it's only 3 months. Secondly, there's no logic behind the time period. What are you going to do, buy her quarter-annual anniversary presents? 6 months at the least, 1 year definitely. For now, don't do anything. Don't be silly.
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    dump my gf or no

    If you really like your girlfriend then why would you want to dump her? Do you know why you want to dump her? Because you -don't- like her. You're probably trying to convince yourself that you like her "so so" personality because of her good looks. If you're going to come all the way here to...
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    Overexposure is one of the most common killers of highschool relationships. Remember, you're out to have fun, not to simulate a marriage. Spend some time with her every day during breaks, but it's not necessary to eat with her every lunchtime - show her that though you care about her, you have a...