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  1. R

    Did I do the right thing?

    We were just talking on aim for fun, no one was angry at the time the convo started
  2. R

    Did I do the right thing?

    My g/f and I are talking on aim tonight, and I say she's being mean (jokingly) and she gives me this like "no not me i'm never mean" speech. So jokingly I say something like "well your thighs aren't good! oooooh that's right I went there" and I think she actualy got mad. I said "do you want...
  3. R


    What's the dj way to handle getting LJBF'd, or if you're in a relationship and the girl calls it off.
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    I'm in quite a predicament.

    noted caveman, and thank you.
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    I'm in quite a predicament.

    I know I ****ed up. I'm a man and I can admit when I did something wrong. Looking back I know it was the stupidest thing i've probably ever done. Lesson learned, the hard way, but at least it was learned.
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    I'm in quite a predicament.

    Well I went on my date, and I got caught. Mom called work and they said I wasn't there. She freaked out and called middle of the date. TOld me to come right home. I told the girl and she said she would have driven, and I dind't kno how to play it off. So I just pretended like it wasn't a...
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    im 18 shes 26

    I'm 17 and dating an 18 year old. She's in college i'm still in h/s. It's not that weird.
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    I'm in quite a predicament.

    recently my mom and I had a huge fight. She overheard me calling her a ***** and freaked out. Took my car away 'forever'. Well I've been seeing this girl, we'll call her Jen. Jen and I met at the beginning of summer and takled, eventually we mutally became interested. She left on a vacation...
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    Help w/ mom.. she's a psycho

    My mom has been a nazi psycho ***** these past few days of summer.. I'm finally startin to have a life, so i'm out quit ea bit with friends. But it's not like all I do is go out.. I'm currently in summer school (getting ahead by taking government), this past year in school I got straight A's...
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    How to help looking pale?

    I am kind of pale, how can I fix this? thx
  11. R

    Rate my pic guys, am I good looking or not?

    Be brutally honest. p.s. My teeeth are pearly white and straight. (all natural, i'll post a smiley pic when I get one) I'm 5'7 140 pretty decen tbody (been working out 3 anda half months now) almsot 6 pack, strong 4, but weak ont eh bottom two. Thx...
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    My Bench is almost there: 88.8% of body

    I'm doing free weights. machines are for girls. =P
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    My Bench is almost there: 88.8% of body

    I started working out about 3 months ago. As of now I weigh 140. My max when I started was 135, 3 weeks ago I benched 170. :). My goal for end of summer is 200. I'm hoping I can get that.
  14. R

    What girls' really dislike.

    I have found through experiment, most girls don't like it when you pretend to act like a sexist. Even if it's jokingly. I.E. I was playing cards w/ girls, and I jokingly said "Girls shouldn't win at poker" She got very pissed off at me. and her friend said that if she hadn't known I was...
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    strange.. i have a question

    damn =[. I need to practice more self control then.
  16. R

    strange.. i have a question

    i do 30 minute cardio sessions about twice aw eek. And on monday i'm going to start swimming everday (about 1000 - 2000 yards). I'm not hella cut or anything, but i'm slowly getting there. I eat almost what I want. I think I balance it out by not eatin ga lot though.. Like yesterday all I had...
  17. R

    strange.. i have a question

    I have been working out and 'cutting' for about 8 weeks now. I've noticed definite improvements, but I havcen't really fixed my diet (except i switched to Diet soda's, and I have multi vitamins / protein shakes now) other than that though, I pretty much eat w/e I want and it still seems like...
  18. R

    Funniest reasons for being dumped

    My ex : "I dont' wnat to be tied down my senior year. I still like you, but I want to date around. We can still date and be friends" She is now going out w/ some kid from another school. LoL.
  19. R

    Met a girl at aparty, question though

    I met a girl at an after-prom party, and we were talking. I go tkinda drunk and we rflirted all night (she did lots of kino, and her cousin told me she liked me). Well they left and i was drunk, so i stupidly gave her my number instead of getting hers. anyway, her cousin IM'd me today (she...
  20. R

    Question on cutting / cardio

    I work out around 4-5 time sa week, and am currently cutting (and have been for about 2 weeks). I do legs back and biceps and the next day I do chest / triceps / shoulders on the days wehre I do Legs back and Biceps, I do an ab workout (pretty intense, usually lasts around 30 mins...