I'm in quite a predicament.


Don Juan
Oct 11, 2003
Reaction score
recently my mom and I had a huge fight. She overheard me calling her a ***** and freaked out. Took my car away 'forever'. Well I've been seeing this girl, we'll call her Jen. Jen and I met at the beginning of summer and takled, eventually we mutally became interested. She left on a vacation for about 2 weeks tho, came back and we went on a date. saw a movie (I know I know) But it went well, we talkd through the whole thing, then went to a coffee place after and had a 2 hour long conversation, the date went grae.t Possibly my best one ever. I really like Jen, but she's going to college, and we've hung out often, but always with a group of mutual friends. we are always together, and I get lots of kino and play the ****y/funny thing to a tee with her. The only problem is.. she moves out in 28 days, her college is int he same town we live in, but i'm afraid that unless I get her IL skyrocketing she'll go away and meet new guys and forget about me.

Now.. here's the problem. We had a date set up for monday before my mom freaked out and took away my car. I just finished talkin to my mom about it, and she agreed to give me my car back august 1st (sunday). Our first date waas great, and it's been like 2 weeks since it (I left for a week to the beach like 2 days after we went out). So... my question is..

Should I lie to my mom and get my car (she'll give it to me for work) and take this girl out again. Or should I tell her that i'm grounded until sunday, and risk her losing interest in me b/c I waited too long. Please help dj's.

P.S. I can stll go out with friends and stuff, I just can't drive my car. I'm 17 years old btw. bTw.. if possible I don't want to next her..


Master Don Juan
Jun 27, 2004
Reaction score
if your not grounded then just find a diffrent way to meet with her, catch a bus or a taxi, even if your suposed to pick her up, theres no shame in not picking her up by car, just say it broke down and you need to get it fixed. do not tell her the real reason for you not having your car because then she will think, well if this is what you say to your mum, then imagine what you could do to her as you obviously like your mum more thne her, just not in the same way obviously.

hope ive been a help!


Master Don Juan
Sep 6, 2001
Reaction score
Exactly where I want to be.
Originally posted by check_mate_kid_uk
do not tell her the real reason for you not having your car because then she will think, well if this is what you say to your mum, then imagine what you could do to her as you obviously like your mum more thne her, just not in the same way obviously.

That's a really good point.

Can the girl drive? You could bring out the whole "my car's a pile and it broke down" thing and ask if she could drive this time. She might create a subtle impression in her mind that you're in need and she can be the one to deliver. That wouldn't be a bad thing. I mean, it's not like you're asking for a kidney :p


Don Juan
Oct 11, 2003
Reaction score
Well I went on my date, and I got caught.

Mom called work and they said I wasn't there. She freaked out and called middle of the date. TOld me to come right home. I told the girl and she said she would have driven, and I dind't kno how to play it off. So I just pretended like it wasn't a big deal and I coudl talk my way out of it. lol..... my mom's still not talking to me since last night. ANy ideas on how I could get away with this DJ's?


Master Don Juan
Oct 30, 2003
Reaction score
you are ****ed up. get lost.

Yeah **** around with your mom for the sake of a chick. Then put the chick before your mother. Brilliant.

I think this is the saddest thing I have ever read on these forums.


Master Don Juan
Aug 22, 2001
Reaction score
Originally posted by RandomGuy22
ANy ideas on how I could get away with this DJ's?
What the hell for? You're obviously not TAKING advice very well.. :rolleyes:


Don Juan
Oct 11, 2003
Reaction score
I know I ****ed up. I'm a man and I can admit when I did something wrong. Looking back I know it was the stupidest thing i've probably ever done. Lesson learned, the hard way, but at least it was learned.


Master Don Juan
Aug 22, 2001
Reaction score
Alright then..

My view is this:

Don't talk about getting away with anything. That merely points out you are willing to weasle your way out rather than be a man about it.

I think you should sincerely appologize to your mom for calling her that and for disrespecting her like that. I am not a big fan of appologizing but disrespecting your mom (in a BIG way TWICE) is something to appologize for. She was kind enough to make an agreement with you and you broke it. Show her a little respect man.

About the girl: Girls will come and go and no way would i disrespect my family or friends for a girl I've only known for a few months. You haven't screwed up with her so just carry on where you left off.. Just remember, don't pull sh!t like that on people you love for a chick you are trying to get into the sack.