im 18 shes 26


May 9, 2004
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Hey i got a few questions theres this girl at my gym i see her every know and then maybe theres some minimal eye contact shes 26 im 18. I CHECKED OUT ALL MY SOURCES and i am pretty sure i can say shes not a slut oh a and shes about a 7/10. So last night i see ehr at a club and she knows one of my friends through there families she went said hello to him and she dance in our circel for a while i started getting closer and her friends pulled her away but by the third time i saw her her friends tried pulling her away and i convinced her to come with me and we danced FULL CONTACt and we kissed. This girl has her own car and she lives in her own house and shes attractive so this makes me realy intrested but im not that mature so my question do i close the deal with a 26 year old?
P.S i want to kind of date this chick
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Senior Don Juan
Oct 18, 2002
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A theater near you
What??? How do you close? You f*cking KISSED her!!! She WANTS you man.

If you have a number for her/ some other way to talk to her, arrange to see a movie with her at her place. She has a car and place of her own. You can do whatever the h3ll you want!

Stick to your guns, make out with with her when it feels right, and then continue to the grand tour of her bedroom! If you got to kiss her on the dance floor, you know how to let things happen like they did then.


May 9, 2004
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yeh but i dont know i just feel diffrent cause shes older....i feel i got to be more mature or something...i just want her cause shes attractive and i havent got a licence and live with my parents so she can drive me and i can stay at her house uno wat im sayin? going to give it a try if i fail il learn from my mistakes but i think il succed


Master Don Juan
Nov 13, 2001
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Just based on the way you talk and obssess right now, I have this gut feeling that she may be out of your league, maturity wise. I think the chances of a real relationship blossoming are about slim as Paris Hilton joining a nunnery. You can, however, create a short-term illusion of your being mature - just be being very assertive and manyl. I was able to do this with a 28 year old when I was 21 and also with a 24 year old when I was 20, but of course my cover was eventually blown. Just enjoy her for what she is - a learning experience - and just have fun. Relax. Take her for a picnic/swim at the beach, and wrestle with her in the sand, give her a piggy back ride on your shoulders in the surf, and dump her in the ocean. Be playful and FUN - she's older and more jaded, so showing her your youthful, exuberant side will certainly appeal to her. I really like the beach, as it offers plenty of oppurtunities for kino.


Master Don Juan
Jan 11, 2002
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Dont you have a girlfriend of 5 months? Or werent u the guy wanting that "attention wh*re"? Or do you want this girl? I am lost when it comes to you Italian.

I was able to date an absolute STUNNING (probably the most flawless girl I have ever laid my eyes on), when I was 19, she was 24. She didnt know my age, nor ask, she just assumed I was her age. When she asked, she was shocked, but it still didnt bother her as we were more serious by the time she found out.

I am currently dating a girl who is older than I, her little brother is my age......she was not totally comfortable with it at first, but who cares...not me, and she doesnt really care either anymore.

So age doesnt mean that much, as long as you are sure of yourself (not a little boy trying to fake he is sure of himself). She will probalby think its wierd at first, but once you got her hooked, she will deal with it.
Jul 15, 2004
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manila, philippines
lol coincidence.

my bro is 19 and is with a girl who just turn 27.. lol. -1 on both sides and you'll get 18-26. hm... i hope you're not my

ur name would'nt happen to be bryan would it?


Don Juan
Mar 24, 2004
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The #1 Sports Capital in the World, Boston.

Recently turned 24 and I'm dating a girl who's set to be 18 come October.

Thought at first it would be 'weird', but then I realized a few things...

1. If I, at 24, didn't do it, some other 24 year old, or guy in that range, so what?
2. Her parents approve MORE of her dating an older than a younger one.
3. Life's funny at throwing things our way and I don't pass on opportunities I desire to take.
4. Age is irrelevent if you can connect with the person.
5. Sexually, based on her specific past, she's far and above girls my age.
6. One can't set constraints on a relationship BEFORE it has even occurred.

Number 6 is a biggie. Before, I used to go out into the world pursuing this one thing, as if it could be bought off a shelf. It can't. There are many relationships I've had with great looking girls who I thought would never go anywhere, started going somewhere, it went sexual, and I got used (yeah!). So for whatever reason it exists, it was there to learn something, to experience life and enjoy it.

What makes a person mature or not mature is what they experience or choose to experience. I've met 12 year olds more mature than some 50 year olds. Sure they want to be kids and play with toys, but they have a reading ability like that of a college professor. And when I took a look at the girls whom were my age or older, most were so lost in 'being old' and mature and marrying or being safe, that it took the fun out of life. They were so overly concerned about what friends think, what society thinks, what their biological clocks are doing, that it was sickening and tasteless.

So, provided the state eyes everything as kosher, and I have a seal of approval from all parties who could impact my relationships, I'm good to go.



Don Juan
Oct 11, 2003
Reaction score
I'm 17 and dating an 18 year old. She's in college i'm still in h/s. It's not that weird.