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  1. Antonius_Pilate

    The First Step

    Today I was digging into some discussions from the earlier years of Sosuave, this one however, moved me: Almost 20 years later and the posts in this thread (especially the ones by Survivor and Pook)...
  2. Antonius_Pilate

    Getting over Oneitis - A guide

    I find myself dealing with the same thing OP. Oneitis is a plague which, in the moment, seems to be never-ending. I found however, that reading the following article helps:
  3. Antonius_Pilate

    Need some advice....

    Update: A few days after this thread I decided to contact her out of the blue while I was in a late night lecture. She was responsive and it turned out that she was in the lecture right next to mine. Both ended at the same time but hers ended earlier, so she came looking for me and I stepped...
  4. Antonius_Pilate

    Need some advice....

    You know, someone I knew IRL told me the exact same thing. Regardless, you're right and had I used AD's machine I wouldn't have wasted so much time on this one (since any indication of low IL would have put her out of the picture a while ago). Yeah, I'm not going to sweat it at all. If she...
  5. Antonius_Pilate

    Need some advice....

    Will do. That might have been it. Regardless, after consulting the DJ Bible (specifically Pook and Anti-Dump's stuff), I came to the conclusion that it was my desire that got in the way. I said some pretty questionable things and acted way too eager when I met with her. I forgot to treat...
  6. Antonius_Pilate

    Need some advice....

    I guess you're right, I didn't really do anything unorthodox. Also, I guess I did pretty OK and just have to work on tweaking my game. Thanks. I'll be sure to read more of the DJ Bible, though I'm having a bit of trouble adjusting it to the contemporary dating scene (for example, calling isn't...
  7. Antonius_Pilate

    Need some advice....

    Hello. First time posting here, want to see if I could get some advice. Last month I (19) hit it off with some girl (21) from class. We met up twice and were texting on and off. Eventually, I asked her out for a third date the weekend before Xmas and she responded enthusiastically and told me...