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  1. Z

    Zach's Boot Camp Journal

    Am I juicing? No I have never used it. Its not that I really have anything against it. I know a lot of people who are able to use it UNDER CONTROL and use it effectively. I have always been big but never cut until this year. I was serious about powerlifting till last November and was at a peak...
  2. Z

    Zach's Boot Camp Journal

    Beginning Week2 Day1 Though today is saturday, and its been a while since I've updated this, I'm going to start week two today. I have been in an awkward place the last couple of weeks, finalizing my divorce and such, and decided to refrain from continuing on this cause my mind set wasn't...
  3. Z

    Zach's Boot Camp Journal

    Week 1 Day 6 WED This was a pretty big day for me for being at work all day. We had a huge Corporate meeting this afternoon. I couldn't attend but the building was packed with visitors and some press. I said Hi to a lot of people, both men and women. Everyone was busy but seemed friendly enough...
  4. Z

    Zach's Boot Camp Journal

    Week 1 day 5 TUE I worked this day and didn't go anywhere. I work in a big corporate office building so saw a good number of people who were friendly and would say hi back with out much hesitation. I counted I'm not sure exactly how many but most had seen me before but were shocked I said hi to...
  5. Z

    Zach's Boot Camp Journal

    week 1 day 4 Mon I think if we count tommorrow(thursday) as the last day of week one, then I just finished day 6. My internet has been fried and I had the work 12 hour shifts the last two days so I haven't been able to post my progress. Now. I'm currently at 41 hi's. I know I will easily meet...
  6. Z

    Boot Camp week 1 (Response thread)

    Week 1 Day 6 This was a pretty big day for me for being at work all day. We had a huge Corporate meeting this afternoon. I couldn't attend but the building was packed with visitors and some press. I said Hi to a lot of people, both men and women. Everyone was busy but seemed friendly enough for...
  7. Z

    Boot Camp week 1 (Response thread)

    Week 1 Day 5 (Tuesday) I worked this day and didn't go anywhere. I work in a big corporate office building so saw a good number of people who were friendly and would say hi back with out much hesitation. I counted I'm not sure exactly how many but most had seen me before but were shocked I said...
  8. Z

    Boot Camp week 1 (Response thread)

    Week 1 day errr 4 (Monday) I think if we count tommorrow(thursday) as the last day of week one, then I just finished day 6. My internet has been fried and I had the work 12 hour shifts the last two days so I haven't been able to post my progress. Now. I'm currently at 41 hi's. I know I will...
  9. Z

    Zach's Boot Camp Journal

    I've been having internet connection problems at home the past two no connection at all, so haven't had a chance to post. I have worked the past 2 days. I can honestly state I"m at around 40 his but only about 80% of those have been to HB's. I will post later when I have more time...
  10. Z

    Boot Camp week 1 (Response thread)

    Sunday, Day 4 Well today wasn't much of a first day because of little oppurtunities. Started off going tanning in am, I stopped by bp on the way to pick up the paper and coffee. Girl behind the counter was a 5 at best but smiled at her and asked her how it was going. *1* She smiled back but...
  11. Z

    Boot Camp week 1 (Response thread)

    Ok here we go. I'm taking a hint from tigers post and going to attempt to keep a daily journal. I actually started week one on thursday and did a lot in that time frame. I went to 2 clubs on friday and a friends wedding reception where I could have hooked up but afc'd out. I can't give an...
  12. Z

    Zach's Boot Camp Journal

    Week One, Day one Well today wasn't much of a first day because of little oppurtunities. Started off going tanning in am, I stopped by bp on the way to pick up the paper and coffee. Girl behind the counter was a 5 at best but smiled at her and asked her how it was going. *1* She smiled back...
  13. Z

    Lurker - first post. Kicking myself

    Your right Bobb. I can't use that as an excuse. I know my marriage is over. I just need the confidence to stop circling and move in for the attack. Thats why i love this board. People aren't afraid of telling you to wake the fu@k up and stop pu$$y-footing around.
  14. Z

    Zach's Boot Camp Journal

    Ok here we go. I'm taking a hint from tigers post and going to attempt to keep a daily journal. I actually started week one on thursday (today is sunday) but am going to treat it as if it started today. But before I post on todays achievements I'm going to let everyone know where I...
  15. Z

    Lurker - first post. Kicking myself

    Hey Dark I was thinking of doing this but my friends got a lot of stuff going on next few days so will have to wait till monday. Not sure how it would go but I now realize how not making the move makes me feel worse than making it and getting rejected.
  16. Z

    Lurker - first post. Kicking myself

    Thanks a lot Santos and Squirrels. As far as the emotional part of the divorce, trust me I have dealt with it. I realize it will linger here for a while, the feeling of rejection. I could have released my anger on this little guy she hooked up with but it would have been pointless. I ****...
  17. Z

    Tiger Eye journal

    Tiger, you sound like your doing good. Reading your post has given me more initiative. I too am on Week one and I think I will post my journal as well. I got this feeling a lot when I started (before I officially started the boot camp last thursday.)
  18. Z

    Lurker - first post. Kicking myself

    I've lurked on these forums for about 4 months, ever since my wife skipped out and I have had to realign my thinking for divorce. Basically I went through the worst rejection one could have, that of a wife leaving for another guy. But thats where I stood in March. I have really worked on...