Lurker - first post. Kicking myself


Don Juan
Aug 24, 2003
Reaction score
I've lurked on these forums for about 4 months, ever since my wife skipped out and I have had to realign my thinking for divorce. Basically I went through the worst rejection one could have, that of a wife leaving for another guy.

But thats where I stood in March. I have really worked on myself throught those months. I'm 30, 6'0 and around 245. I was at 305 and powerlifting in January. After things started going south, I changed my focus from power to trimming down. I run now every other day and hit a high rep workout at the gym. I've watched the weight fall off and now am near the body I want. I have been hit on by women recently for the first time since I was in my early twenties but am still in the RAFC phase and my confidence is still low.

Well to the kicking myself part. This past week, since my divorce is only a few weeks away to being official (I haven't seen my wife in 4 months) I've started week one of the DJ boot camp. I find I am comfortable locking eyes and saying hi to strangers which is the first step. Anyhow, I went to a friends hawaiin luau/wedding reception yesterday afternoon. The plan was, since he was buying all this beer for his family that hardly drinks we and the rest of the drinking friends would hang out there till it ends and take all the unopen cases back to his place for a party that night.

As soon as I walk in and look over the people seated I see the hottest girl there. Dark tan, auburn curled hair, great body. She immediatly looks up at me and I look at her for a moment and then flash her a friendly smile. She does the same and then I get pulled aside by some of my friends. Through out the entire day I keep seeing her looking over at me. It was like we kept flirting with our eyes. Problem is I still am uncomfortable after this. Not because I'm unconfident to approach but I feel sleazy because my marriage isn't final yet. I'm technically still unavailable and It makes me uncofortable with that hanging in my head.

So later I approach the bar and she's up there getting a drink. I say hi and she does the same and stands there for a second with me. I made fun of the way she was hiding her drink (she was drinking sprite in a can and had a napkin wrapped around it). We started conversing but a bunch of her relatives were walking in and they butted in and dragged her off. She kept giving me this look of 'sorry' as she was going out to look at their new car. I brought the drinks back to the table and later found out that she was my friends (the grooms) cousin.

I never get a chance to talk to her there again and we packed up the beer and headed over to the newlyweds house. I asked the groom if she was going and he said probably not as she needed to head back to North Carolina (from Ohio).

So later we're all sitting around and drinking and apparently she calls and actually asked him if I was there and she headed over. I didn't know about this. I thought she just showed up. My friend called me today and told me she asked that before she came over. We were all sitting around a fire pit all night talking and making fun of each other and I kept getting signals from her to approach. But I didn't. When I was with the group, I seemed the life of the party but when she came around me on my own I couldn't THINK of what to say. I would literally be standing there going through all this stuff in my mind of what to say to her. Looking back I now realize I could have said anything. I could have just blurted out give me your number or asked her if she wanted to hook up next time she came in town and I know I would have had her. But alas I'm still married. I'm still insecure and I'm still rebuilding my own self image and self-esteem.

Today I am absolutely kicking myself. She gave absolutely every signal I could get and she was hot as hell. She worked with female models as a marketing consultant in North Carolina. She kept telling me how she was single. We were the only two 'single' people there and that kept coming up too.

Anyone else here go through a divorce and have to go through the whole 'get on the band wagon' yet. Oh well, just an introduction and example of where I am at right now.


Master Don Juan
Apr 15, 2003
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A universe...where heartbreak and sadness have bee
Originally posted by zach
I could have just blurted out give me your number...
Next time DO IT.

"Oh my have a female human's phone number other than your estranged and soon-to-be-divorced wife''re so dastardly! :rolleyes: "

Man...she cheated on you with another man. It's OVER. You gotta stop thinking that way. That's why you get the number and, when the divorce is final, you CALL HER.

Or BEFORE that if you feel like it. :)


Senior Don Juan
Feb 16, 2003
Reaction score
Sorry to hear about your divorce I'm sure it really hit you hard. It's funny how you are the life of the party in a group, and then one-on-one with her you can't think. I'm the complete opposite, shy in groups. Great one-on-one. Anyway...

I think that maybe you are using the divorce not being finalised as an excuse to not start dating women. I don't see any reasons to not go on a date with an attractive woman. It's not like you're promising her anything. A first date is an interview. You've said how you are still working on rebuilding your self-esteem and you're insecure. That's certainly undesrstandble. You're scared of getting hurt again. We all are after going through break-ups, and I'm sure divorce is even harder especially if you thought things were going well.

She was giving you buying signals and you should have gone for the number. Fear of rejection was holding you back. Don't worry though, given that this attractive woman was interested in you so quickly shows that you're an attractive guy. Plenty more women where she came from. The way I look at it, a date isn't a big deal. It's just getting to know each other more. It's not a promise that something will develop. If you like each other, then you keep on dating.

Unfortunately, I can't offer you advice on the whole divorce scene. Hopefully other DJ's can post relevant advice.


Dark Nimbus

Senior Don Juan
Jan 20, 2002
Reaction score
Hey Zach, I think you have a good excuse to contact her and redeem yourself by getting her # from your friend/her cousin and explaining to her that she's the type of woman you're intersted in but because you're still trying to finalize a divorce, you thought it might have been awkward to be more assertive at the time.

I don't think she'll have a problem with that, my only concern would be if the interest level wasn't high enough, she might not think it's worth while to pursue anything because of the distance.

Either way, I would find a way to keep in touch with her and hook up with her the next time she comes to visit her cousin or whatever, even if it's for a one nighter.


Don Juan
Aug 24, 2003
Reaction score
Thanks a lot Santos and Squirrels.

As far as the emotional part of the divorce, trust me I have dealt with it. I realize it will linger here for a while, the feeling of rejection. I could have released my anger on this little guy she hooked up with but it would have been pointless. I **** bigger turds than him and he had no responsibility to me like she did.

The thing is I feel I am just being sleazy when I'm flirting with a girl and they think I'm single but I'm still married. Of course I'm only married by law and that will end in 2 weeks but its still a step I have to get past.

I feel more secure in groups. When I'm face to face and one on one I don't really know what to say. Its strange; some sort of programed trait I have to get by. Even if it were with just one of my bros its like that. Add a third person into the convo and suddenly I got all this funny and great stuff to say.


Don Juan
Aug 24, 2003
Reaction score
Hey Dark

I was thinking of doing this but my friends got a lot of stuff going on next few days so will have to wait till monday. Not sure how it would go but I now realize how not making the move makes me feel worse than making it and getting rejected.


Senior Don Juan
Jun 30, 2003
Reaction score
Originally posted by zach
Not because I'm unconfident to approach but I feel sleazy because my marriage isn't final yet.
Bullshyt bullshyt BULLSHYT!

That's a rationalization for inaction.

But at least you can use it as an excuse when you call her up. If you don't have her number, get it from one of her relatives.

As for things to say, ask her about her work, her life, etc. Anything she blurts out initially is something she is probably interested in. Work it.

Spend $25 and get Pilinski's "Without Embarrassment" e-book over at Lots of good shyness advice, how to approach, how to converse, how to escalate, etc. Designed for the shy unattractive guy.


Don Juan
Aug 24, 2003
Reaction score
Your right Bobb. I can't use that as an excuse. I know my marriage is over. I just need the confidence to stop circling and move in for the attack.

Thats why i love this board. People aren't afraid of telling you to wake the fu@k up and stop pu$$y-footing around.


Master Don Juan
Dec 22, 2002
Reaction score
Look at it this way. If you don't eventually get that girl somehow, she can still be worth something to you: she is the one that has shown you what you MUST do in order to get women.

There is NO POSSIBLE WAY that she did not TOTALLY DIG YOU! Yet, you had to make the first move.

Never again do you need to p*ssyfoot around, you have experienced what happens with a girl with high interest when you don't take the leap. You have also seen the whole gamut of things that women do to try to get you to ask them out. ("WOW! I am single TOO! :D ", etc., etc.)

As long as you are aware and observant, EVERY interaction with women (win or lose) is a GREAT learning experience!

So don't kick yourself too hard.