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  1. Ivar

    BPD ex.... 3 months out - need some advice

    @Infern0 I'm curious .... after the 8 weeks of NC, what did she re-initiate contact with? An apology, an admission of wrong doing, an 'I miss you' / declaration of love, or she pretended she never did anything wrong? After the way she had left things with you (ghosting & moving onto new bf) I...
  2. Ivar

    BPD ex.... 3 months out - need some advice

    @Mikeman123 No, that is not normal healthy behavior. You already know that though. Don't blame yourself man, from what you have shared there's nothing you did or anything that occurred that would justify that type of behavior. That's a hallmark of mentally ill behavior though --- it is NOT...
  3. Ivar

    Damage Control: Ultimatum Mistake

    And on that topic.... is there a distinction to be made between women doing it out of self-sabotaging / self-destructive behavior, and women who simply lost interest and want to manufacture an 'easy way out'. My thinking is that the former is more subconscious behavior, whereas the latter is...
  4. Ivar

    Damage Control: Ultimatum Mistake

    DA, I'm with you on the attraction part ---- my question comes from reading through a number of threads on the site focused on BPD and stuff like that. How can you tell? Where is the line? Or does it really all boil down to the same thing? Just trying to absorb info on the forum and make sense...
  5. Ivar

    Damage Control: Ultimatum Mistake

    In hopes that this thread will someday be of help to others, I am providing a minor update... It has now been over two weeks of radio silence (on both ends). I'll admit to being shocked by that... I've never had this happen before, not a good feeling. Obviously if someone goes silent for two...
  6. Ivar

    Shes acting weird once more...

    If you apply a critical look at yourself, could there be anything you are doing / saying prior to her suddenly losing interest this latest time? If not, she may indeed just be emotionally unstable --- those people are out there too. Also, if she is super comfortable with her sexuality, banging...
  7. Ivar

    Damage Control: Ultimatum Mistake

    @da dynamically You're right. By inserting myself into the problem discussion "actively" (trying to solve it) instead of "passively" (just listening / offering distraction) I inadvertently made myself a part of the problem, or at the very least created a strong association between myself and...
  8. Ivar

    Damage Control: Ultimatum Mistake

    You guys are great, this is exactly the type of collective insight (and 'tough love') I was looking for, I want to thank everyone that is responding. I wish I had found this site earlier when the issue first arose, I understand now it's possible that I'm too late. Lot's of valid observations...
  9. Ivar

    Damage Control: Ultimatum Mistake

    @da dynamically Your explanation makes perfect sense... I see now that in making more favorable assumptions about her behavior (ie: new job, she doesn't handle stress well, doesn't understand depression) I was in reality creating excuses for her and clouding my own judgement. Painful lesson...
  10. Ivar

    Damage Control: Ultimatum Mistake

    @Danger I think I see the negative implication you're warning of here. Exotic locale in this case is just a standard Euro country, but I get what you mean by what is the underlying motivation. Truthfully though I had taken it as a positive, as I am pretty into traveling myself and wanted that to...
  11. Ivar

    Damage Control: Ultimatum Mistake

    The trip is legit, her and her sister take an annual trip to a new country every year. It was planned out before I even met her and I had been around for some of the preparation discussions long before we ran into any of these issues. But you're right, I messed up. I admit I am not a DJ or PUA...
  12. Ivar

    Damage Control: Ultimatum Mistake

    Summary: Met a girl. First two months are probably the best start of any relationship I've had in my 30+ years. She's considerate, engaged, and constantly working for my approval and signaling how much she values me. Eventually by 2 months I start to open up more emotionally and we seem to be...