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  1. M

    She says I'm boring and dab company WTF? Help!

    dude, drop the self-conscious bit If a girl says you are boring, then maybe she is boring to herself, I know people who are not interested in their life and nothing short of a fuse of dynamite would jar them from the hum drum of routine life. Although she might be right that you are boring...
  2. M

    The seven ways of improving your physical appearance

    You are on the right track, however, PASTA is not bad even when eaten in large quantities, however, the kind of pasta is the big difference. If you eat white flour pasta, the regular kind that just cooks pretty fast then that is surely a fat contributor but if you opt for WHOLE WHEAT, WHOLE...
  3. M

    Chocolate Milk and Protein

    chocolate milk is counter-productive you woulnd't eat candy bars and donuts and cake when working out and seeing improvement and that goes for chocolate milk, and sodas because they are just dead calories. When you eat simple sugars, they just make you fat, slow the body down.
  4. M

    Most obvious come-on that was missed

    When I was 12 years old, in junior high, these girls were out asking guys on the playground to have sex. They came up to me and said , do you want to have sex? I guess they were looking to get one of their friends laid, and I was kind of nervous, so I said no. I look back at that time and...
  5. M

    My first LJBF experience , and some questions

    Let's get this straight. I am somewhat confused when they label lgbf. After that happens, should you continue al the dj stuff like c&f, hypnotic suggestions, neg hitting, and all the rest of the strategy or should you just go the opposite way and stop that stuff, being that you play it safe...
  6. M

